bcgov / nrts-prc-public

Public facing Applications, Comments and Reasons for Decisions
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 6 forks source link


Public front-end for the ACRFD (formerly: PRC) application.


Technology Version Website Description
node 10.x.x JavaScript Runtime
npm 6.x.x Node Package Manager
ng 7.x.x Angular CLI
yarn latest Package Manager (more efficient than npm)

Note: This app also requires bcgov/nrts-prc-api to handle its requests.

Install Node + NPM

Note: Windows users can use NVM Windows to install and manage multiple versions of Node+Npm.

Install Angular CLI

Note: Use @angular/cli. Do not use @angular/angular-cli.

npm install -g @angular/cli

Install Yarn

npm install -g yarn

Build and Run


  1. Download dependencies
    yarn install
  2. Run the app
    npm start
  3. Go to http://localhost:4300 to verify that the application is running

    Note: To change the default port edit angular.json.


  1. Download dependencies
    yarn install
  2. Run the build

    The build artifacts will be stored in the ./dist/ directory.

    npm run build
  3. (Optional) Use the --prod flag to run the app in prod mode
    ng serve --prod

Linting and Formatting


Linting and formatting is handled by a combiation of TSlint and Prettier. The reason for this, is that you get the best of both worlds: TSlint's larger selection of linting rules with Prettier's robust formatting rules.

These 2 linters (tslint, Prettier) do have overlapping rules. To avoid weird rule interactions, TSlint has been configured to defer any overlapping rules to Prettier, via the use of tslint-config-prettier in tslint.json.

Technolgies used

TSLint, Prettier, Stylelint, husky, lint-staged

Configuration files

Pre-Commit Hooks

Package.json has been configured to use husky with lint-staged to run the lint-fix (linting + formatting) commands, against the files staged to be committed, whenever you perform a git commit. This ensures that all committed code has been linted and formatted correctly.

If the linters or formatters find issues that cannot be automatically fixed, it will throw an error and provide output as to what is wrong. Fix the issues and commit again.

Run Linters

Run Linters + Formatters

Note: In the worst case scenario, where linting/formatting has been neglected, then these lint-fix commands have the potential to create hundreds or thousands of file changes. In this case, it is recommended to only run these commands as part of a separate commit.

Note: Not all linting/formatting errors can be automatically fixed, and will require human intervention.



Technolgies used

Jasmine, Karma, Protractor

Important Note

When viewing test output in the browser, via localhost:9876, Firefox produces somewhat cryptic error output. Chrome doesn't have this issue.

Run Tests

Code Scaffolding Using Angular CLI

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|module.

Example: Generate a customer component

ng g c customer

Example: Generate a directive: search-box

ng g d search-box

Example: Generate a service: general-data

ng g s general-data

Angular will give out a warning line after this command:

WARNING Service is generated but not provided, it must be provided to be used

After generating a service, we must go to its owning module and add the service to the providers array.

Example: Generate a service and include it in a module automatically

ng g s general-data2 -m app.module

Example: Generate a class, an interface and enum

# class
ng g cl models/customer

# interface
ng g i models/person

# enum
ng g enum models/gender

Example: Generate a pipe

ng g pipe shared/init-caps

Generate a module

Create a login directory and generate a login module in that directory.

ng g module login/login.module

Add/Generate Routing Features

Generate a module called admin and add routing feature to it.

ng g module admin --routing

Change aspects of the application

Change style dialect

ng set default.styleExt css

Regenerate a brand new project with routing and scss options

ng new my-app --routing --style scss

OpenShift Build and Deployment

For dev, test, and prod builds on OpenShift/Jenkins see openshift/ for detailed instructions on how to setup in an OpenShift environment using nginx.

How to Contribute

Create pull requests against the master branch.

VSCode Extensions

A list of recommended/helpful VS Code extensions.


