bcgov / pdfmagic

A common service deployable project to handle conversion of PDF documents to text
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A common service deployable project to handle conversion of PDF documents to text

Developing Locally

Unfortunately this probably will not run on windows right now.

Dependencies: (these should all be in your PATH)

Brew and Apt packages listed for convenience, follow the links for installation instructions on your system.

Setup instructions:

Install python dependencies

cd src
pipenv install

Make a data directory and run the one-time init script (only do this the first time setting up, the directory can be named anything)

mkdir ~/pdfmagic_data
./ ~/pdfmagic_data

Run celery worker

pipenv shell

Run app in another terminal

pipenv shell


For testing the API I recommend using Postman

There are a few API endpoints available currently:


/extract-keywords/ or /upload/

Both of these expect a file in the request form-data with key file[]

/extract-keywords/ also accepts comma separated case-insensitive keywords in the request form-data with key keywords. If the optional snippets parameter is set to true then it will attempt to return small snippets of text relevant to keywords. This feature does not work well


curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:5000/extract-keywords/?snippets=false \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW' \
  -F 'file[]=@/path/to/file.pdf' \
  -F 'keywords=Just, Some, keywords'


/retrieve-keywords/ : returns json with the counts of the keywords

/download/ : returns txt of the pdf

Both of these can be used after a /extract-keywords/ but only /download/ should be used after an /upload/

There is a cookie returned from the POST which needs to be given in order to retrieve any data from the server.


There are build and deploy configs in /openshift/templates

They can be copy pasted into the openshift web console.

Its important to deploy the Flask before the Celery

There needs to be at least one container of each running.

I don't know how this scales or if this is the right configuration, I would look into putting both containers in one pod down the road perhaps.