bcgov / pipeline-bot

A Hubot CI/CD Pipeline Bot for Openshift Container Platform (OCP) with Mattermost adapter
MIT License
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Pipeline-bot Architecture


A Hubot CI/CD Pipeline Bot for Openshift Container Platform (OCP) with Mattermost adapter.


The goal of this project is to automate our CI/CD pipelines for Applications built and deployed on Openshift Container Platform in order to increase deployment velocity. A ChatOps approach increases visibility and gives distributed developers more freedom to test and deploy.

This project is based on a Dev, Test, Stage, Prod deployment model to meet our needs, but could be adapted to any workflow.

This document will break down the build config and deployment steps required to run pipeline-bot.

Work in Progress

Automated Workflow Steps

  1. Github Action - On closed PR (github action "Push")to DEV branch - send Hubot payload with env param
  2. Hubot - receive github payload - verify pipeline has been defined
  3. Hubot - build and deploy - Openshift or jenkins
  4. Hubot - start post deploy - post deployment tasks as OCP template job
  5. Hubot - start test - start tests as OCP template job
  6. Hubot - receive test payload - associate test results with pipeline
  7. Hubot - promote - if conditions pass then promote to next environment / or open PR to Master

Post Deployment Stage

Currently defined in post deploy script This script will define any ocp jobs that are required to run post deployment. OCP jobs are defined as Env Var from config map. This is a temporary solution for now.

Test Stage

Currently defined in test script This script will define any ocp jobs that are required to run test. OCP jobs are defined as Env Var from config map. This is a temporary solution for now.

Build and Deploy Guide from Scratch

Step by step how to build Hubot instance from start

HINT see below for build and deploy from this repo as boilerplate

  1. local install of project
    brew install node
    npm install -g yo generator-hubot
    mkdir pipeline-bot
    cd pipeline-bot
    yo hubot
  2. answer questions provided at prompt required by Hubot builder
    $ Owner ''
    $ Bot name 'pipeline-bot'
    $ Description 'CI/CD Pipeline Bot'
    $ Bot adapter 'matteruser'
  3. enable git on local project dir
  4. update dependencies
    • update package.json with appropriate fields and values. see example in repo
    • update external-scripts.json with appropriate packages. see example in repo
  5. commit changes on local project
  6. create remote github repo and push to remote
  7. create new imagestream in OCP

    oc create imagestream pipeline-bot

  8. create tag for imagestream in OCP

    oc tag pipeline-bot pipeline-bot:latest

  9. create new build using Source Build Strategy in OCP

    oc new-build nodejs:10~ -l app=bot

  10. required env var in deployment config via secrets or config maps
    MATTERMOST_HOST= <url-to-mattermost> 
    MATTERMOST_GROUP= <mattermost-group>
    MATTERMOST_USER= <mattermost-username>
    MATTERMOST_PASSWORD= <mattermost-password>
    HUBOT_MATTERMOST_CHANNEL= <mattermost-channel>
    HUBOT_OCPAPIKEY= <ocp-token>
    HUBOT_OCPDOMAIN= <ocp-domain>
    HUBOT_ACL= <conifg for access control list> # see Access Control
    HUBOT_DEV_APITEST_TEMPLATE= <url-to-test-template.json>
    HUBOT_TEST_APITEST_TEMPLATE= <url-to-test-template.json>
    HUBOT_TEST_POSTDEPLOY_TEMPLATE= <url-to-post-template.json>
    HUBOT_STAGE_POSTDEPLOY_TEMPLATE= <url-to-post-template.json>
    HUBOT_TEST_NAMESPACE= <ocp-namespace-to-run-test-in>
    HUBOT_CONFIG_PATH= <url-to-config-map> # see Pipeline Config
    HUBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN= <github token for repo access>
    HUBOT_JENKINS_URL= <url to jenkins instance>
    HUBOT_JENKINS_AUTH= <user:token>
  11. first time deploy in OCP

    oc new-app pipeline-bot:latest

12 . set up github action on repo: Pipeline-bot Architecture

github secret requirements:
   BOT_KEY= <gateway token>
   BOT_URL= <url to Bot instance>

Example: github action to send to Hubot

name: dev_push

      - dev

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
        ref: dev
    - name: Send Payload
      run: |
        curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "apikey: ${{ secrets.BOT_KEY }}" -d @$GITHUB_EVENT_PATH https://${{ secrets.BOT_URL }}/hubot/github/dev


Access Control

define config map in OCP and injected as env var HUBOT_ACL required for scripts/

                "admins": [ "<mattermost-username-1>", "mattermost-username-2", "mattermost-username-3"]
      "build": [ "admins" ],
      "deploy": [ "admins" ],
      "brain": [ "admins" ],
      "buildanddeploy": [ "admins" ]

Pipeline Config

Hubot will reference this file to lookup buildconfig and deployment configs, and namespaces required to make the api calls to OCP or Jenkins Job Name.

Please see Reference Config File


  "pipelines": [
      "name": "<appName>",
      "repo": "<user/repo>",
      "prToMasterAfter": "test",
      "dev": {
        "build": {
          "buildconfig": "<ocp-bc-name>",
          "namespace": "<ocp-bc-namespace>"
        "deploy": {
          "deployconfig": "<ocp-dc-name>",
          "namespace": "<ocp-dc-namespace>"
      "test": {
        "build": {
          "buildconfig": "<ocp-bc-name>",
          "namespace": "<ocp-bc-namespace>"
        "deploy": {
          "deployconfig": "<ocp-dc-name>",
          "namespace": "<ocp-dc-namespace>"
      "prod": {
        "build": {

Other Notes


dockerfile in this repo is for local build development only and not to be used for production.

Test Dir

currently used for test scripts and example test routes for local testing and examples only.

Data Dir

payload examples for references from github and OCP sources, includes readme with curl examples.

Custom Responders

Hubot allows us to create custom responders to interact directly with the bot.

defined in scripts/

A list of commands are available by running cmd <hubotname> help

Build and deploy from this repo as boilerplate

Steps to deploy directly from fork of this repo:

  1. fork this repo
  2. change bot name update -name argument in both files

    • /bin/hubot
    • /bin/hubot.cmd

    exec node_modules/.bin/hubot --name "<my-bot-name>" "$@"

  3. create new build using Source Build Strategy in OCP

    oc new-build nodejs:10~<forked/repo>.git -l app=bot

  4. define required env var in deployment config via secrets or config maps
    • as listed above
  5. define access control list as config map
    • as listed above
  6. define pipeline config map
    • as listed above
  7. first time deploy in OCP

    oc new-app pipeline-bot:latest