bcgov / sae-docs-bridge

Interconnecting two or more networks for the purpose of delivering documentation
Apache License 2.0
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User Guide Bridge

The User Guide Bridge is a simple microservice designed to route formatted help document requests from a content provider to a user interface.

Currently it is designed for one source of truth for content, but can be expanded to route different sources.


For apps that serve to provide documentation to all users, make a request to /article. SeeDocumize API for examples of what the request response looks like.

// Route parameters are /article/:app/:type
const req = request('https://usebridge.url/api/v1/article/bbsae/onboarding');

// Optionally specify a role if different user types require access to different content
const req = request('https://usebridge.url/api/v1/article/ocwa/onboarding?role=exporter');


Currently the application uses a single API for consuming content (Documeize) and utilizes tags for finding content, so content needed for your application should contain tags that match the API's requests

Tags:           ocwa onboarding      exporter
                  |      |               |



Bare Metal Install

Create a default.json file from default.json.template under the config directory and edit the values to ones for your environment. See configuration options below.

Run $ npm install to install dependencies.

Run $ npm start to run the development version of the server. Nodemon is used to restart the server on file changes.


Create a production.json from production.json.template and configure the values for your environment.

Run npm run start:prod to run the production configured server.

Configuration Options

Value Property
The host URL of the target API, e.g. host
The port for Express to run on port
The API auth token required to connect to the API token
An array of application names (generally tags) applications
The debug namespace for logging logLevel
The format level for Morgan morganFormat
An array of whitelisted UI urls, for CORS, e.g. ["http://localhost:8080"] whitelist

Developer Guidelines

This project uses Eslint for linting, Prettier for code formatting and Jest for testing. It is recommended for continuity and to lighten the number of lines of code added to a Git commit that these plugins are enabled in your IDE of choice.