bcgov / tfrs-functional-test-runner

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This project was created to demonstrate how to configure and run navUnit ( funcational test framework from within a Jenkins Pipeline File via Gradle Build Script


node('maven') {
   stage('checkout navUnit')
   git url: ''

   stage('execute navUnit')
   sh './gradlew phantomJsTest'

Gradle and Gradle Wrapper

Gradle is a modern Application build tool that helps teams build, automate and deliver better software, faster. Gradle is an Open Source Build Automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven.

The Gradle Wrapper was developed to remove the steps of installing and configuring "another tool" on developer workstations and build servers. The Gradle Wrapper solves these steps by configuring and installing the tool by itself. When the gradle wrapper command is executed it first detects if it has all dependencies to build a project, and if it does not it will download and configure first.


./gradlew test
gradlew.bat test

Jenkins Pipeline (source file)

Jenkins Pipeline is a suite of plugins which supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins. Pipeline provides an extensible set of tools for modeling simple-to-complex delivery pipelines "as code" via the Pipeline DSL.

The Jenkinsfile, which is checked into source control provides a number of benifits:

Retrieved from:

Configure Jenkins

Step 1. Create a new Jenkins Job

Step 2. Click on 'Add source' button and specify source, and at this time it is wise to add Max# builds value

Specify Source

Step 3. Enter the Source Code Repository where the 'Jenkinsfile' is located Enter Git Repository

Result: Successful Pipeline Run