.. be created for every transaction or is it safe to just create it once in the application?
and for bonus points, how do i attach metadata to an invoice? I couldn't see how to marry up the charge that is generated by the invoice with any meta data about the order.
Hello thanks for the awesome library! Is there any reason
CreateInvoiceAsync returns a URI in data.HostedUrl
CreateChargeAsync returns a string in the same field?
also, just to confirm is this the right way of passing multiple metadata:
Metadata = { {"userID", userID}, {"product", product}, {"extraID", extraID} } ?
also, should
var commerceApi = new CommerceApi(APIKey);
.. be created for every transaction or is it safe to just create it once in the application?
and for bonus points, how do i attach metadata to an invoice? I couldn't see how to marry up the charge that is generated by the invoice with any meta data about the order.
sorry for the multiple questions!