bclarkson-code / Tricycle

Autograd to GPT-2 completely from scratch
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Ever wanted to understand how deep learning actually works? Tricycle is a fast, fully functional deep learning library written from scratch in python and numpy.

Tricycle is not just a toy neural network: the file train_smol_gpt.py trains GPT-2 (124M) on 2.3B tokens in just under 3 days on my GPU (RTX 3090).

The entire library, from the automatic differentiation engine to GPU support to a GPT, should be understandable to anyone with a bit of python experience. I've tried to keep things simple without hiding any details so you should be able to dive straight into the code and start hacking away.

Tricycle started as a thin wrapper around a numpy array and has developed into a full deep learning framework. If you'd like to know how, check out the Tricycle Wiki.

You can also check out the Tricycle API documentation

Table of Contents


Tricycle uses conda to manage dependencies. While we do support CPU-only computation, optimisation efforts have been focussed on GPU computation so it is pretty slow. If you do have a CUDA capable GPU I would strongly recommend installing the gpu version of Tricycle.

If you have a CUDA capable GPU, you can install Tricycle as follows.

git clone https://github.com/bclarkson-code/Tricycle.git && cd Tricycle
conda env create -f requirements/environment.yml -n tricycle
conda activate tricycle

Otherwise, you can install the cpu-only version like this:

git clone https://github.com/bclarkson-code/Tricycle.git && cd Tricycle
conda env create -f requirements/environment.cpu.yml -n tricycle
conda activate tricycle
Test/Dev installation If you want to install test dependencies with GPU support you can do the following. ```bash git clone https://github.com/bclarkson-code/Tricycle.git && cd Tricycle conda env create -f requirements/environment.test.yml -n tricycle conda activate tricycle ``` If you want to install test dependencies on CPU you can do the following. ```bash git clone https://github.com/bclarkson-code/Tricycle.git && cd Tricycle conda env create -f requirements/environment.cpu.test.yml -n tricycle conda activate tricycle ``` Note, the test dependencies include pytorch but this is only used as a reference to check correctness. I'm not cheating and using pytorch for any actual computation.


Tricycle has most of the major features you'd expect in a modern deep learning framework:

In tricycle, arrays are called Tensors:

from tricycle.tensor import Tensor

tensor = Tensor([1,2,3])
print(tensor) # Output: Tensor([1. 2. 3.])

You can do a lot of things with a tensor

from tricycle.functions import Softmax

a = Tensor([1,2,3])
b = Tensor([4,5,6])

# addition
print(a + b) # Output: Tensor([5. 7. 9.], name=badd)

# comparison
print(a < b) # Output: Tensor([ True  True  True])

# more complex functions
print(Softmax()(a)) # Output: Tensor([0.09003057 0.24472848 0.66524094], name=softmax)

Most importantly, this includes differentiation.

x = Tensor(2)

y = x ** 2 + 3 * x + 4
print(y) # Output: Tensor(14.0, name=+ 4)

# derivative of y with respect to (wrt) x is
# 2 * x + 3 = 7
y.backward() # differentiate wrt y
print(x.grad) # Output: Tensor(7.0)

Tricycle has many layers that you can use to build deep learning models:

from tricycle.layers import Dense
from tricycle.activation import GeLU
from tricycle.blocks import MultiHeadSelfAttention

# Standard Dense/Linear layer
dense_layer = Dense(from_size=3, to_size=5)
print(dense_layer(a)) # Tensor([-1.0739521  -1.508788    0.17458707  1.578937    0.75451684], name=dense)

# GeLU nonlinearity (used in GPT-2)
c = Tensor([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2])
gelu = GeLU()
print(gelu(c)) # Tensor([-0.04540235 -0.158808    0.          0.841192    1.9545977 ], name=gelu)

# Attention
d = Tensor([[[0,1], [2,3], [4,5]]], is_batched=True)
attention = MultiHeadSelfAttention(
print(attention(d)) # Tensor([[[ 0.15086384 -0.08797299]
                    #   [ 0.51435584 -0.39332452]
                    #   [ 0.9660988  -0.77281135]]], name=dense)

If you try to search for the implementation of a layer in pytorch, you'll often find it buried under 20 different files of CUDA code. This is done in the pursuit of raw performance, which is great, but makes learning about how things actually work quite difficult.

In Tricycle, you can jump straight to the implementation. For example, here is the forward pass for LayerNorm:

def forward(self, tensor: Tensor):
    Normalise a tensor along its final dimension
    xp = tensor.xp
    x = tensor.array

    # Compute mean and variance along the feature dimension
    # This is pretty sensitive to errors so we need to do it at full
    # precision
    if TRICYCLE_CONTEXT.use_mixed_precision:
        x = x.astype(xp.float32)
    self._mean = x.mean(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    self._var = x.var(axis=-1, keepdims=True)
    self._input = x

    # Normalize and scale
    x_norm = (x - self._mean) / xp.sqrt(self._var + self.eps)
    output = self.gamma.array * x_norm + self.beta.array

    if TRICYCLE_CONTEXT.use_mixed_precision:
        output = output.astype(xp.float16)

    return Tensor(
        back_fns=(self.back_fn, self.beta_back_fn, self.gamma_back_fn),
        args=(tensor, self.beta, self.gamma),

All of the logic in Tricycle is device-agnostic and can run on CPU or GPU with Cupy.

class UnaryMultiply(Op):
    Multiply a tensor by a constant
    _constant: float

    def back_fn(self, grad: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        xp = grad.xp # use the backend that grad is using.
                     # `xp` is either numpy or cupy (x is unknown)

        self._grad = xp.multiply(grad.array, self._constant)

        return Tensor(array=self._grad, is_batched=grad.is_batched)

    def forward(self, tensor: Tensor, constant: float) -> Tensor:
        Multiply a constant, elementwise, to a tensor. The constant is not
        xp = tensor.xp # use the backend that grad is using
                       # `xp` is either numpy or cupy (x is unknown)

        assert isinstance(tensor, Tensor)
        assert xp.isscalar(constant)

        self._out = xp.multiply(tensor.array, constant)
        self._constant = constant

        return Tensor(
            name=f"+ {constant}",

multiply = UnaryMultiply()
tensor = Tensor([1,2,3])

# CPU computation
print(multiply(tensor, 2)) # Tensor([2. 4. 6.], name=+ 2)

# GPU computation (this will fail if you dont have a GPU)
tensor = tensor.to_gpu()
print(multiply(tensor, 2)) # Tensor([2. 4. 6.], name=+ 2)

If you take away one thing from this readme, it should be to look into the code! The best way to learn something is by getting your hands dirty and playing around with a deep learning library that doesn't hide anything is a great place to start.

Training a GPT on Shakespeare

The following toy script will train a small GPT to generate convincing Shakespeare. On my RTX 3090, this takes ~9 mins. For a more realistic training script with metric tracking, gradient accumulation, a validation dataset etc, take a look at train_smol_gpt.py

I've chosen some sensible default values for this model in src/tricycle/configs.py:ShakespeareConfig. Feel free to play around with these and see what happens. If you are running out of GPU memory, try dropping the batch size until everything fits in memory.

If you don't have a CUDA capable GPU (or your GPU is slow), you can run the script on CPU but it will take a while. You'll probably want to try dropping the number of steps to something like 1000 and leave this running overnight. The model wont be quite as convincing but it should be recognisably shakespeare.

import pickle

from tqdm import tqdm

from tricycle import GPU_ENABLED
from tricycle.configs import ShakespeareConfig
from tricycle.dataset import CausalLMDataset
from tricycle.loss import CrossEntropy
from tricycle.models import GPT
from tricycle.optimisers import AdamW
from tricycle_datasets.shakespeare import Shakespeare

config = ShakespeareConfig()

# drop this down to 1000 for a worse model that trains faster
config.steps = 5000

model = GPT(config)

tokens = Shakespeare(vocab_size=config.vocab_size)
dataset = (
loss_fn = CrossEntropy()
optimiser = AdamW(
    betas=(config.beta1, config.beta2),

    dataset = dataset.to_gpu()

loading_bar = tqdm(range(config.steps))
for step in loading_bar:
    inputs, outputs = next(dataset)

    logits = model(inputs)
    loss = loss_fn(outputs, logits)

    loading_bar.set_description(f"loss: {loss.numpy().item():.3f}")

# save results
with open("model.pkl", "wb") as f:
    model = model.zero_grad()
    pickle.dump(model, f)

Once trained, you can generate infinite shakespeare plays as follows:

# if you're running on CPU
python inference.py model.pkl --prompt "JULIET: Romeo, Romeo!"

# if you're running on GPU (much faster)
python inference.py --use-gpu model.pkl --prompt "JULIET: Romeo, Romeo!"

For the above prompt, this generated:

brother, his death name, to kill the ow of death he touched Exce, The wakes of saffords and patharing is done: Since this same hang'd my villain.

ROMEO: Tybalt's that namest thy father children, stay yead in tears, And let me see thee take ord's shame, to again, If thou art trans'd, or thou stay'st cowars' say, O Thy at ancivil frantic steeding chamber?

It's not perfect, but it is definitely shakespeare!

Training GPT-2 (124M)

To train GPT-2, you'll first want to start an MLFlow server in a separate terminal for tracking metrics during training. You can do this as follows:

mlflow server --host

Then you should be able to just run

python train_smol_gpt.py

If you have a CUDA capable GPU, this will download and tokenise the dataset and start training.

Note, the dataset will be cached in ~/.cache/huggingface by default. You might want to delete this once you're done because it is pretty big. Also, at present, shuffling the dataset requires a lot of ram (I'm working on bringing this down).

The parameters for the model can be found at src/tricycle/configs.py:SmolGPTConfig. If you aren't using an RTX 3090, you'll probably want to play around with the parameters a bit to optimise things for your setup (e.g increasing batch size if you have a GPU with more VRAM).

After training for 68 hours on my RTX 3090 (equivalent to ~2.3B tokens), the loss curve looked like this:


The best validation loss was a respectable 3.61 (perplexity of 37.0). The resulting model certainly isn't perfect but it can produce (mostly) coherent english.

Given the prompt "Here is my favourite limerick: there once was a man from nantucket" it responded:

He’s so beautiful that her mother didn’t have a man who wasn’t even born a single. Now he’s not only a woman from nancy. It’s his father-in-law and his riches. I know that he’s his role. It’s a handsome man because he’s a man. It’s his mother-in-law. He’s a very, very, very good person at the same time. Like that character. All of our stories go out of our mouths.

There is still more to do (see below), but for a language model built completely from scratch, I'd argue that this is not bad!

What's Next?


Want to get in contact/work together? (Anthropic, HMU) You can reach me at: bclarkson-code@proton.me