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Open Source Software

© 2015-2020 BCMC. Funding for this work was provided by the United States Government under contract GS06F1165Z/HSHQDC14F00094. The United States Government may use, disclose, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly, in any manner and for any purpose, and to have or permit others to do so.

Please be advised that this project uses other open source software and uses of these software or their components must follow their respective license.

! Note: This version of FLAREclient requires Oracle JDK 1.8, due to a known SSL issue with OpenJDK. All previous versions of FLAREclient (2.0.1—2.0.3) have been deprecated, and are no longer supported.

FLAREclient Version 2.0.4

December 14th, 2015 - Release Changelog

Bug Fixes

Various improvements were made for code clarity and readability. Scripts used to run the client were appended with '.sh' to make it more obvious that they are bash scripts.


Superfluous logic was purged, and an overall improvement to code efficiency was made. Dead or unused code was removed.


Methods were changed from non-static to static wherever possible, in order to improve efficiency and security. Many fields and methods that were unnecessarily public were made private, and many classes were made package-local. References to passwords were removed from method names and scripts.