bcoe / npm-typeahead

A tiny web-app that exposes typeahead search functionality for packages on http://www.npmjs.org.
4 stars 6 forks source link


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A lightweight web-app that implements typeahead search functionality for npm packages.

Try it out here: http://npm-typeahead.herokuapp.com

The Motivation

npm-typeahead was put together as part of an article for CODE Magazine. It's an attempt to demonstrate Node.js best practices, and covers:


Integration With Browserify

npm-typeahead exposes client-side bindings, so that it can be used in other sites, e.g., npm-www.

  npmUrl: 'https://www.nmjs.org',// URL to re-direct the user to.
  searchUrl: '', // URL for search npm-typeahead REST server.
  $: $ // jQuery dependency.