bcombs18 / osTicket-Inventory-Manager

An Inventory Managment plugin for osTicket.
MIT License
12 stars 4 forks source link

osTicket Inventory Manager





  1. Download and Unzip the osTicket Inventory Manager plugin.
  2. Place the unzipped folder in /osTicket/include/plugins folder.
  3. From the Inventory Manager Plugin root, copy the dispatcher.php file to your osTicket/scp directory.
  4. Navigate to Admin Panel > Manage > Plugins. Choose "Add a New Plugin".
  5. Select the osTicket Inventory Plugin and click install.
  6. Enable the plugin.
  7. You can now access the plugin interface from Agent Panel > Applications > Inventory.

API Setup

API Usage

  1. First, create a valid API key from "Inventory Manager" > "Settings" > "API". Be sure to check the "Can Create Assets" box.
  2. You can then send a POST request to [URI]/inventory-api/assets.json. i.e. http://your.domain.com/osTicket/inventory-api/assets.json
  3. Your payload needs to be in JSON format, see example below.
  4. If your request is successful, you will receive a "201 Created" response.


Example JSON payload:

  'host_name': 'Computer Hostname',
  'manufacturer': 'Computer Manufacturer',
  'model': 'Computer Model',
  'serial_number': '1234ABCD',
  'location': 'Some location'

Curl example:

curl -d "{}" -H "X-API-Key: [API KEY HERE]" http://[uri]/inventory-api/assets.json


Adding Custom Data Fields

  1. From the home-page of the plugin, click on "Settings". (You must have Administrator privileges for this button to be visible)
  2. Select the "Inventory" form.
  3. Add whatever fields you want to be able to track with the plugin.
  4. Custom fields will be added to the importer automatically for use with customized CSV files.

Creating Custom Queues

  1. Go to "Admin Panel" > "Settings" > "Tickets" > "Queues"
  2. At the bottom of the list of queues, you will see "Assets", "Assets / Retired Assets", "Assets / Active Assets", "Assets / "Unassigned Assets".
  3. You can create new queues from this menu, or modify the existing queues to show the data you want to see at a glance. (Note there seems to be an issue with modifying osTicket queues where upon saving changes, an error message appears. Regardless of this error, your changes are still saved and are immediately available)


Dashboard Dashboard-Preview Asset Info Add Asset Import Assets Advanced Search Global Queues