bcremer / sculpin-less-bundle

Sculpin LESS bundle
MIT License
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Sculpin Less Bundle

Software License

Sculpin bundle that integrates the wikimedia/less.php LESS processor.

Each *.less file is parsed to CSS. If the parser generated any CSS output the file is renamed to *.css in place. If the parser did not generate any valid CSS output the *.less file will be ignored.

Future scope

This is a POC implementation. In the future this may be extended to include advanced configurations to have a separate output directory for the generated *.css files as well as compression for example. Eventually this may result in a CSS processor bundle that supports multiple processors like SASS as well.

Please create an issue on GitHub if you have any ideas. All contributions are welcomed.


    "require": {
        "bcremer/sculpin-less-bundle": "~0.2"

use Bcremer\Sculpin\Bundle\LessBundle\SculpinLessBundle;

class SculpinKernel extends \Sculpin\Bundle\SculpinBundle\HttpKernel\AbstractKernel
    protected function getAdditionalSculpinBundles()
        return [


# app/config/sculpin_kernel.yml
    extensions: ["less"]
    files: ["assets/css/basic.less"]

By default, the extensions whitelist is used. If the files whitelist is set it takes precedence and all other LESS files are not converted.

To ignore non-matching LESS files the sculping ignore configuration can be used:

# app/config/sculpin_kernel.yml
    ignore: ["assets/css/_imports/"]


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.