bdaiinstitute / spot_wrapper

Wrapper for Boston Dynamics Spot SDK
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Spot Wrapper

Python Ruff Black CI Coverage Status LICENSE

This Python package is a wrapper around the Boston Dynamics Spot SDK, intended as a united point of entry to the SDK for use with the spot_ros and spot_ros2 packages.

This package currently corresponds to spot-sdk release 4.1.0. As support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 was dropped in this release, the minimum supported version of Python this package supports is 3.10.


To install this package clone it and run

pip3 install -e .

The -e flag means that you will not have to reinstall the package when pulling or making changes.


To update requirements.txt, use

pipreqs . --force


This repository enforces ruff and black linting. To verify that your code will pass inspection, install pre-commit and run:

pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files

The Google Style Guide is followed for default formatting.