bdaisley / isolateR

Automated processing of Sanger sequencing data, taxonomic profiling, and generation of microbial strain libraries
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isolateR: Automated processing of Sanger sequencing data, taxonomic profiling, and generation of microbial strain libraries

Update July 2024: isolateR is now published in Bioinformatics!

isolateR aims to enhance microbial isolation workflows and support the identification of novel taxa. It addresses the challenges of manual Sanger sequencing data processing and limitations of conventional BLAST searches, crucial for identifying microorganisms and creating strain libraries. The package offers a streamlined three-step process that automates quality trimming Sanger sequence files, taxonomic classification via global alignment against type strain databases, and efficient strain library creation based on customizable sequence similarity thresholds. It features interactive HTML output tables for easy data exploration and optional tools for generating phylogenetic trees to visualize microbial diversity.


Install via GitHub

#Install BiocManager if not already installed
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

#Install devtools if not already installed
if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))

#Install the required Bioconductor dependencies
BiocManager::install(c("Biostrings", "msa", "sangeranalyseR", "sangerseqR"), update=FALSE)

#Install isolateR

Install via Conda

conda create --name isolateR r-isolater=1.0.1-0 -c bdaisley -c conda-forge -c bioconda

Quick start

The one-step command isoALL wraps the three main functions below to quickly process .ab1 files in batch. Simply specify the folder(s) containing .ab1 sequence files you want to process.

Example with a single input folder

isoALL.S4 <- isoALL(input="/path/to/folder_containing_ab1_files")

Example with multiple input folders + merging results

folder_list <- c("/path/to/folder_containing_ab1_files1",

isoALL.S4 <- isoALL(input=folder_list, merge=TRUE)

Overview of the 3 main functions

Step 1: isoQC - Automated quality trimming of sequences

This function loads in ABIF files (.ab1 extension) and performs automatic quality trimming in batch mode.

Reminder on Windows-based operating systems: Ensure only forward slashes (/) used in your path when setting directory.


#Set path of directory where the .ab1 files. In this case, using example dataset in R
fpath1 <- system.file("extdata/abif_examples/rocket_salad", package = "isolateR")

isoQC.S4 <- isoQC(input=fpath1,
                  min_phred_score = 20,
                  min_length = 200,
                  sliding_window_cutoff = NULL,
                  sliding_window_size = 15,
# Parameters:
# input             Path of directory containing input .ab1 files
# export_html           Toggle export of results in interactive HTML table.(TRUE/FALSE).
# export_csv            Toggle export of PASS/FAIL sequence results in CSV format (TRUE/FALSE).
# export_fasta          Toggle export of PASS/FAIL sequences in FASTA format(TRUE/FALSE).
# verbose           Toggle checkpoint messages in R console (TRUE/FALSE).
# min_phred_score       Do not accept trimmed seqs with phred score cutoff below this number. (Default=20)
# min_length            Do not accept trimmed seqs with sequence length below this number
# sliding_window_cutoff     For quality trimming steps. NULL by default implements auto cutoff (recommended).
# sliding_window_size       For quality trimming steps. (Default= 15)
# date              Set date "YYYY_MM_DD" format. (Default=NULL) attempts to parse date from .ab1 file.

The exported CSV files containing PASS/FAIL sequences based on quality thresholds include:

Descriptive statistics regarding QC steps implemented can be inspected via interactive HTML tables in the reactable output (see below) isolateR_step1_output.gif

Step 2: isoTAX - Assign taxonomy

This function performs taxonomic classification by searching query Sanger sequences against specified database of interest. Takes CSV input files, extracts FASTA-formatted query sequences and performs global alignment against specified database of interest via Needleman-Wunsch algorithm by wrapping the --usearch_global command implemented in VSEARCH. Default taxonomic rank cutoffs for 16S rRNA gene sequences are based on Yarza et al. 2014, Nat Rev Microbiol.

#Specify location of CSV output from 'isoQC' step containing quality trimmed sequences
fpath2 <- file.path(fpath1, "isolateR_output/01_isoQC_trimmed_sequences_PASS.csv")

isoTAX.S4 <- isoTAX(input=fpath2,
# Parameters:
# input         CSV file containing PASS sequences from isoQC step
# export_html       Toggle (TRUE/FALSE). Default=TRUE export results in CSV table.
# export_csv        Toggle (TRUE/FALSE). Default=TRUE export results in CSV table.
# db            Database for taxonomic classification ("16S","18S","ITS", or "cpn60")
# quick_search      Toggle (TRUE/FALSE) Default=FALSE performs comprehensive database search.
# phylum_threshold  Similarity threshold for Phylum rank demarcation (0-100)
# class_threshold   Similarity threshold for Class rank demarcation (0-100)
# order_threshold   Similarity threshold for Order rank demarcation (0-100)
# family_threshold  Similarity threshold for Family rank demarcation (0-100)
# genus_threshold   Similarity threshold for Genus rank demarcation (0-100)
# species_threshold Similarity threshold for Species rank demarcation (0-100)

Step 3: isoLIB - Generate strain library

This function creates a strain library by grouping closely related strains of interest based on sequence similarity.

For adding new sequences to an already-established strain library, specify the file path of the older strain library using the 'old_lib_csv" parameter.

#Specify location of CSV output from isoTAX in Step 2
fpath3 <- file.path(fpath1, "isolateR_output/02_isoTAX_results.csv")

isoLIB.S4 <- isoLIB(input=fpath3,
# Parameters:
# input             CSV file containing PASS sequences from isoTAX step
# old_lib_csv           If adding to existing library, provide 'isoLIB' output (.CSV extension) from past run. 
# group_cutoff          Similarity cutoff (0-1) for delineating strain groups. (1 = 100% identical/0.95=5.0% difference/etc.)
# include_warnings      Toggle (TRUE/FALSE) Set to TRUE to keep sequences with warnings from 'isoTAX' step.

Inspect data via CSV files and HTML interactive reactable output (see below)

More examples on usage of functions to come...


Daisley B., Vancuren S.J., Brettingham D.J.L., Wilde J., Renwick S., Macpherson C., Good D.A., Botschner A.J., Yen S., Hill J.E., Sorbara M.T., Allen-Vercone E. (2024). isolateR: an R package for generating microbial libraries from Sanger sequencing data. Bioinformatics 40(7):btae448. (