bdring / Grbl_Esp32

A port of Grbl CNC Firmware for ESP32
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.7k stars 531 forks source link

No Configuration Panel #213

Closed NickHead closed 5 years ago

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Hi all, Compiled the program, uploaded it, the GRBL Configuration Panel does not show any information. Am I doing something wrong ? Compiled with PlatformIO and VSCode. Nothing changed in program, all standard. Help Please.

bdring commented 5 years ago

Send a screen shot showing the panel.

Did you click the refresh icon? Open a serial terminal and send $$ plus carriage return to the the ESP32. Do you get a response?

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Tried everything. Even re-flashed quite a few times after re-compiling. It just shows Value,Name and Help but nothing underneath. If I do a $$ in the console, the GRBL configuration shows, but not on the html page. I am at a dead loss

bdring commented 5 years ago

I look into it. Maybe a recent change broke something.

luc-github commented 5 years ago

I have just downloaded and tested master and it is fine : image

luc-github commented 5 years ago

@NickHead what version do you use?

bdring commented 5 years ago

Are you connected to hardware or is this a loose ESP32?

bdring commented 5 years ago

This is just a guess, but the default configuration is for the controller shown on the readme page. It uses some I/O that requires pullup resistors. If those pins float, it could put the controller into a locked mode.

Try uncommenting #define IGNORE_CONTROL_PINS in config.h and recompiling the firmware.

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Sorry about not replying fast, I am in the middle of a multitude of things. Thanks for all the replies though, it's really appreciated> I downloaded the latest version of GRBLESP. It's running on an ESP32 WROOM . It is not connected to any hardware, just the micro, by itself. I never thought it would make a difference. I will try the ignore control as soon as I can and report back. Regards.

NickHead commented 5 years ago

[E][Parsing.cpp:82] _parseRequest(): Invalid request: ␖␃␁ [E][WebServer.cpp:602] _handleRequest(): request handler not found [E][WiFiClient.cpp:365] write(): fail on fd 61, errno: 104, "Connection reset by peer"

That did not work either, I may try a compile on a different computer and see what happens

NickHead commented 5 years ago


bdring commented 5 years ago

Does the rest of the WebUI appear to work? I could send a firmware to load via OTA update.

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Yes, the rest does look OK , the controller shows values X,Y positions. It's just the GRBL config I am having issues with and to be fair, I don't know if I am doing anything wrong.

bdring commented 5 years ago

Here is a compressed .bin file that works for me. Unzip it and use the yellow cloud icon on the ESP3D page to upload the .bin file.

I am out for a few hours, but can check in later.

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Something must be wrong. Unzipped, pressed yellow cloud, accepted to update, came back with an error 0. I am no novice to all this either , so you can be assured I know what I am doing to an extent. Unless I have a defective ESP , I may have to see if I have any more laying about.

luc-github commented 5 years ago

back to basic - what version do you use ? Check the screen I sent before on top of menu, it have the versions on it, do a screenshot image

also : what OS / browser do you use ? what version of esp 32 core do you use ? you can do a screenshot of window that apear when pushing blue button : image

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Hi luc Cant do a screen shot as it's running on a separate laptop. Best I can do is: UI:2 1b50 / FW: 1.1f (20190905)

luc-github commented 5 years ago

this is not the master branch, you use the latest version of webUI which is not validated yet with GRBL please use the index.html.gz that is present in your grbl_esp32 fw directory in data directory

Every version of webUI provided with FW are working - the others may have issue

I can reproduce your issue now I have the information - I will work on it

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Right, thanks, that may be where I am going wrong as I did download the index gz file externally, it was mentioned to do that in some random setup website that I read Hopefully it will work.

luc-github commented 5 years ago

let me know if not - we can continue to dig in issue

Edit: I fixed it in WebUI repository - thank you for reporting it ^_^

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Thanks luc. After a problem getting the wifi to work (I used arduino libraries in the compiler and it didn't like it for some reason) I have managed to get the configuration html up by sending over the correct file from the directory. I do have an error though, but I can live with this for now. I have always had this error from the very beginning, but won't bother you anymore (for now :) )

[E][WebServer.cpp:602] _handleRequest(): request handler not found

Just for information.

Many thanks for the help, let the fun begin.


luc-github commented 5 years ago

well this part is not normal and it is in FW can you screenshot the content of blue button ?

NickHead commented 5 years ago

When I do a refresh of the main page (F5) I get this: [E][WebServer.cpp:602] _handleRequest(): request handler not found [E][Parsing.cpp:275] _parseArguments(): arg missing value: 0 [E][WebServer.cpp:602] _handleRequest(): request handler not found [E][Parsing.cpp:275] _parseArguments(): arg missing value: 0 [E][WebServer.cpp:602] _handleRequest(): request handler not found

NickHead commented 5 years ago

this is monitoring on the terminal of the compiler Not on the screen on the html page

luc-github commented 5 years ago

yes - but I need info on what core and configuration you are - so I need what info show in info window of blue button

Because on my side I cannot reproduce your issue

NickHead commented 5 years ago

UI: 2.1b39 / FW: 1.1f

I cant capture the screen as I am on a different laptop and it is on a different IP, the config from the info is above if that is any use

NickHead commented 5 years ago

I managed a version to send GRBL32

luc-github commented 5 years ago

no, what I need is the display of this blue button : image

NickHead commented 5 years ago

ok, sorry there were too many blue buttons to contend with, 2 secs

luc-github commented 5 years ago

because what you show it is an old version - so I am quite sure the problem is not in FW but in the way you build it so I need to know the esp32 core version

NickHead commented 5 years ago


NickHead commented 5 years ago

I have it now connected to a diode laser and it's off like the clappers

luc-github commented 5 years ago

ok - looks like you use very old version of core and old fw 1 - please download latest master here : 2 - change core version in platformIO.ini to use latest git version by modifying platform = espressif32 by platform =

you should have all latest version

I never used platformIO/vscode with this project so I am not sure of output behavior

luc-github commented 5 years ago

once done you must have this output : image You must not be in mixed mode like you are now - if yes restart board it should be in station only

NickHead commented 5 years ago

OK I will try that as well. The board is an Expressif Devkit V1 using the WROOM chip by DoIt. The actual compiler properties I used were:

[env:esp32doit-devkit-v1] platform = espressif32 board = esp32doit-devkit-v1

Which I think are correct for this board.

if you say your above board details will be batter, then I will try them out, thanks.

luc-github commented 5 years ago

stable is now old - better use the latest git

NickHead commented 5 years ago

I didn't change any modes on the wifi, only the ip address from to as it clashed with my router. The wifi is as set in the config/wificonfig.h files, so I don't know where the mixed mode is coming from as I don't think it was my doing.

luc-github commented 5 years ago

Many possible reasons not related to your actions

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Yer, tried all that, re-flashed, looks like the same SDK, wifi mode still Mixed. Tried a few changes in the config file like #define DEFAULT_RADIO_MODE ESP_WIFI_STA, still all the same. it's working in a fashion, better than it ever was.

luc-github commented 5 years ago

If you changed the entry I gave you it cannot be same sdk version What about grbl version ?
Please do not change anything in FW is not working as you think it is

NickHead commented 5 years ago

same exactly - my platformio must have the most up to date info installed. GRBL is 1.1f, but I did notice that the UI is 2.1b39 and not 1b50 as I had before, that was from the link you sent me to upload

luc-github commented 5 years ago

Please show me your platformio.ini

NickHead commented 5 years ago

[platformio] src_dir=Grbl_Esp32 lib_dir=libraries data_dir=Grbl_Esp32/data

[common_env_data] lib_deps_builtin = ArduinoOTA BluetoothSerial DNSServer EEPROM ESPmDNS FS Preferences SD SPI SPIFFS Update WebServer WiFi WiFiClientSecure

[env:esp32doit-devkit-v1] platform = espressif32 board = esp32doit-devkit-v1 framework = arduino upload_speed = 512000 board_build.partitions = min_spiffs.csv monitor_speed = 115200

NickHead commented 5 years ago

I am just updating with that OTA file you sent, it wouldnt go in before, it is now

NickHead commented 5 years ago

SDK now updated to v3.2.2.120 wifi Mode still mixed UI 2.1b39 / FK 1.1f 20190908

luc-github commented 5 years ago

What is the output of [ESP400] command?

NickHead commented 5 years ago

{"EEPROM":[ {"F":"network","P":"ESP_HOSTNAME","T":"S","V":"grblesp","H":"Hostname" ,"S":"32", "M":"1"}, {"F":"network","P":"HTTP_ON","T":"B","V":"1","H":"HTTP protocol","O":[{"Enabled":"1"},{"Disabled":"0"}]}, {"F":"network","P":"HTTP_PORT","T":"I","V":"80","H":"HTTP Port","S":"65001","M":"1"}, {"F":"network","P":"TELNET_ON","T":"B","V":"1","H":"Telnet protocol","O":[{"Enabled":"1"},{"Disabled":"0"}]}, {"F":"network","P":"TELNET_PORT","T":"I","V":"23","H":"Telnet Port","S":"65001","M":"1"}, {"F":"network","P":"RADIO_MODE","T":"B","V":"2","H":"Radio mode","O":[{"None":"0"},{"STA":"1"},{"AP":"2"},{"BT":"3"}]}, {"F":"network","P":"STA_SSID","T":"S","V":"GRBL_ESP","S":"32","H":"Station SSID","M":"1"}, {"F":"network","P":"STA_PWD","T":"S","V":"****","S":"64","H":"Station Password","M":"8"}, {"F":"network","P":"STA_IP_MODE","T":"B","V":"0","H":"Station IP Mode","O":[{"DHCP":"0"},{"Static":"1"}]}, {"F":"network","P":"STA_IP","T":"A","V":"","H":"Station Static IP"}, {"F":"network","P":"STA_GW","T":"A","V":"","H":"Station Static Gateway"}, {"F":"network","P":"STA_MK","T":"A","V":"","H":"Station Static Mask"}, {"F":"network","P":"AP_SSID","T":"S","V":"GRBL_ESP","S":"32","H":"AP SSID","M":"1"}, {"F":"network","P":"AP_PWD","T":"S","V":"****","S":"64","H":"AP Password","M":"8"}, {"F":"network","P":"AP_IP","T":"A","V":"","H":"AP Static IP"}, {"F":"network","P":"AP_CHANNEL","T":"B","V":"1","H":"AP Channel","O":[{"1":"1"},{"2":"2"},{"3":"3"},{"4":"4"},{"5":"5"},{"6":"6"},{"7":"7"},{"8":"8"},{"9":"9"},{"10":"10"},{"11":"11"},{"12":"12"},{"13":"13"},{"14":"14"}]},{"F":"network","P":"NOTIF_TYPE","T":"B","V":"0","H":"Notification type","O":[{"None":"0"},{"Line":"3"},{"Pushover":"1"},{"Email":"2"}]}, {"F":"network","P":"NOTIF_T1","T":"S","V":"","S":"63","H":"Notification Token 1","M":"0"}, {"F":"network","P":"NOTIF_T2","T":"S","V":"","S":"63","H":"Notification Token 2","M":"0"}, {"F":"network","P":"NOTIF_TS","T":"S","V":"","S":"127","H":"Notification Settings","M":"0"} ]}

luc-github commented 5 years ago

Are you using your device in AP mode ? How did you setup the wifi for your grbl ?

NickHead commented 5 years ago

i didnt, it's all standard. downloaded a fresh version , compiled and run it, wifi is just on as esp, connected using the ip and thats it, using lightburn via comport to run the laser, wifi just monitors the output and can obviousley move the laser about using jog .

luc-github commented 5 years ago

Is not recommended to use in AP mode. AP mode is normaly to let you configure your network. Your pc connected to esp will send lot of queries thinking they are on internet Do you still have the error in terminal when you refresh page ?

NickHead commented 5 years ago

Yes I do, I am effectively only monitoring the USB output with either Lightburn, or Platformio Terminal. It still works, but I am getting that error. No big deal really.