bdring / Grbl_Esp32

A port of Grbl CNC Firmware for ESP32
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.66k stars 525 forks source link
cnc esp32 grbl stepper-motor

Grbl (CNC Controller) For ESP32

Get the Next Generation!

The next generation of Grbl_ESP32 was such a massive upgrade we decided to change the name. It is called FluidNC and is available here. Please check it out and give us a star. It is compatible with all Grbl_ESP32 hardware.

This version is only being maintained with existing features. All new features are targeted at FluidNC.

Project Overview

Grbl_ESP32 started as a port of Grbl to the ESP32. The power of the ESP32 has allowed this firmware to grow far beyond the limitations of 8-bit AVR controllers. Here are some of the current features

Test Drive It

Grbl_ESP32 has a test drive mode. If you just compile it and load it onto an ESP32, it will create a virtual machine without any pins mapped. This allows you to safely test drive it without any attached hardware. Everything is functional including the WIFI and web user interface. Things like homing, that require feedback from actual switches cannot be done.

Using It

Important compiling instructions are in the wiki

The code should be compiled using the latest Arduino IDE. Follow instructions here on how to setup ESP32 in the IDE. The choice was made to use the Arduino IDE over the ESP-IDF to make the code a little more accessible to novices trying to compile the code.

I use the ESP32 Dev Module version of the ESP32. I suggest starting with that if you don't have hardware yet.

For basic instructions on using Grbl use the gnea/grbl wiki. That is the Arduino version of Grbl, so keep that in mind regarding hardware setup. If you have questions ask via the GitHub issue system for this project.


The roadmap is now on the wiki.


The original Grbl is an awesome project by Sungeon (Sonny) Jeon. I have known him for many years and he is always very helpful. I have used Grbl on many projects. I only ported because of the limitation of the processors it was designed for. The core engine design is virtually unchanged.

The Wifi and WebUI is based on this project.


There is a Discord server for the development this project. Ask for an invite


Start asking questions...I'll put the frequent ones here.


This project requires a lot of work and often expensive items for testing. Please consider a safe, secure and highly appreciated donation via the PayPal link below or via the Github sponsor link at the top of the page.