bdswartz / garden-forum

A MERN Full-Stack web application that allows gardeners to build and maintain their virtual garden by using a third party API to identify plants and a MongoDB to save them in the user's profile. The application also offers a forum where users can connect and learn gardening tips and tricks from other users.
7 stars 3 forks source link
express graphql javascript jwt-authentication mern-stack mongodb

Welcome to the Garden Forum

The Garden Forum is a MERN full-stack website that gives everyday gardeners and home landscapers a tool to manage their plants.



N/A -


A user can navigate from the landing page by signing up or logging in using the nav bar links. Upon signing up or logging in, the user is routed to their profile dashboard. Plants can then be added by the user populating plant information or by using the API to identify a plant from a user-provided photo.


Development Tools:

User Story

AS a home gardener or landscaper

Given that I want a website where I can get and store information necessary to maintain the plants that I am caring for:

Acceptance Criteria for Minimum Viable Product


Landing Page Landing Page of Application

Dashboard Profile Page with Users Garden Forum Post Forum Post with Comment and Comment Form


Please visit our GitHub pages (listed above)

If there are any questions about the project, feel free to send me an email at