beakerbrowser / dat-node

A toolkit for writing Dat-based services in nodejs
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A toolkit for writing Dat-based services in nodejs.

const {createNode} = require('@beaker/dat-node')

// instantiate a new dat node
const dat = createNode({
  path: './dat'

// get, create, or fork archives
var archive = await dat.getArchive('dat://')
var archive = await dat.createArchive({title: 'My Archive'})
var archive = await dat.forkArchive('dat://', {title: 'My Fork of the Beaker site'})

// you can read & write files within the archive
var filedata  = await archive.readFile('/index.html', 'utf8')
await archive.writeFile('/new/thing.json', JSON.stringify({hi: 'world'}))

// listen to global network events
dat.on('network-changed', ...) // change to network conditions (aka new peer)
dat.on('download', ...) // data was downloaded
dat.on('upload', ...) // data was uploaded
dat.on('sync', ...) // a feed was synced

// get internal information about a dat
await dat.getMtime('dat://') // unix timestamp of last change to the dat
await dat.getDiskUsage('dat://') // in bytes
await dat.getSyncProgress('dat://') // 0-1, where 1 is 100% synced

Provides the same Dat APIs that Beaker browser uses, so that code written which depends on the DatArchive will work here and in the browser.


This repo is a work in progress. It still needs:


👉 simplest-possible-example.js

node examples/simplest-possible-example.js

👉 create-archive.js

node examples/create-archive.js

👉 download-archive.js

node examples/download-archive.js dat://



Create a new dat dat. See the DatNode API.

const {createNode} = require('@beaker/dat-node')

var dat = createNode({
  path: './data'



Async. Start listening for connections in the dat network. Only need to call if createNode is called with {autoListen: false}, or if dat.close() has been called.


Async. Unswarm all dats and stop listening.


Create a new DatArchive with the given opts.

var archive = dat.getArchive('dat://')


Async. Create a new DatArchive with the given opts. Will automatically persist and swarm the archive.

var archive = await dat.createArchive({title: 'My new archive'})

dat.forkArchive(url[, opts])

Async. Create a new DatArchive which duplicates the content of the given archive. Can optionally modify the manifest with opts. Will automatically persist and swarm the archive.

var archive = await dat.forkArchive('dat://', {title: 'My fork of the Beaker site'})


Async. Get the modification time of the dat's data. (Tells you the last time new data was written.)

var mtime = await dat.getMtime('dat://')


Async. Get the amount of bytes being used by the dat in the local cache.

var bytes = await dat.getDiskUsage('dat://')


Async. Get the percentage of the total data downloaded (between 0 and 1).

var pct = await dat.getSyncProgress('dat://')


Async. Is all of the dat's data cached?

var pct = await dat.isFullySynced('dat://')


Get a readable string-stream containing the content of the debug log. Useful for providing debugging interfaces.

TODO decide what features this should include

A DatNodeStorage instance.


A DatNodeSwarm instance.


A DatDNS instance.

Event: "listening"

The swarm port is now bound and listening.

Event: "error"

A critical error has occurred.

Event: "network-changed"

A change in the network-connectivity of a given dat.

dat.on('network-changed', (url, {connections}) => {
  // ...

Event: "download"

Some data has been downloaded.

dat.on('download', (url, {feed, block, bytes}) => {
  // ...

Event: "upload" (url, {feed, block, bytes})

Some data has been uploaded.

dat.on('upload', (url, {feed, block, bytes}) => {
  // ...

Event: "sync" (url, {feed})

A feed has been fully downloaded.

dat.on('sync', (url, {feed}) => {
  // ...


The local data store. Includes all data which is persisted onto disk. Can be found on the DatNode API as


Async. List the metadata of locally-stored dats.

var datInfos = await


Async. Fetch the stored metadata about the archive. Returns null if not present locally.

var datInfo = await'dat://')


Async. Delete all cached data for the dat.



Async. Get the modification time of the dat's data. (Tells you the last time new data was written.)

var mtime = await'dat://')


Async. Get the amount of bytes being used by the dat in the local cache.

var bytes = await'dat://')


Async. Get the disk-cached DNS lookup result for the given hostname.

storage.setDNSCache(hostname, value)

Async. Set the disk-cached DNS lookup result for the given hostname.


Async. Remove the disk-cached DNS lookup result for the given hostname.



Async. Load a dat into memory, add it to the local storage (if not yet present) and begin swarming. Does not need to be called if autoSwarm is true.

await dat.swarm.join('dat://')


Async. Stop swarming the given dat.

await dat.swarm.leave('dat://')

Will not remove the dat's data from the local storage (see


Number. The port being listened to.


A 32-byte buffer containing a randomly-generated ID, used to deduplicate connections.

Event: "listening"

The swarm port is now bound and listening.

Event: "error"

A critical error has occurred.

Event: "peer"

Emitted when a peer has been discovered.

Event: "peer-banned"

Emitted when a peer has been banned as a connection candidate.

Event: "peer-rejected"

Emitted when a peer has been rejected as a connection candidate.

Event: "drop"

Emitted when a peer has been dropped from tracking, typically because it failed too many times to connect.

Event: "connecting"

Emitted when a connection is being attempted.

Event: "connect-failed"

Emitted when a connection attempt fails.

Event: "handshaking"

Emitted when you've connected to a peer and are now initializing the connection's session.

Event: "handshake-timeout"

Emitted when the handshake fails to complete in a timely fashion.

Event: "connection"

Emitted when you have fully connected to another peer.

Event: "connection-closed"

Emitted when you've disconnected from a peer.

Event: "redundant-connection"

Emitted when multiple connections are detected with a peer, and so one is going to be dropped (the connection given).


The DNS manager. Can be found on the DatNode API as dat.dns.


Async. Get the key of the given URL.

var key = await dat.dns.resolve('dat://')


A dat "archive" instance. See the DatArchive API docs.

const {createNode} = require('@beaker/dat-node')

const dat = createNode()
var archive = dat.getArchive('dat://')
await archive.readdir('/') => [...]