Experiments with Fenics_ice over Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers; three narrow ∼ 10 km wide, interconnected West Antarctic ice streams (Note: this repository documentation is still a work in progress).
which name the files based on composite product, cloud product and error factor enhancement (args.error_factor: Enlarge error in observation by a factor):
This is confusing me as I can confuse the decimal format string with the error factor and panic thinking I introduced an error factor in the sub-sampling when I haven't!
Fix solution add error_f or step_f to the names might help!
At the moment we have two velocity file generators:
which name the files based on composite product, cloud product and error factor enhancement (args.error_factor: Enlarge error in observation by a factor):
which name the files based on composite product, cloud product and subsampling step (args.step: Sub-box size for the subsample):
This is confusing me as I can confuse the decimal format string with the error factor and panic thinking I introduced an error factor in the sub-sampling when I haven't!
Fix solution add error_f or step_f to the names might help!