bearecinos / smith_glacier

Experiments with Fenics_ice over Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers; three narrow ∼ 10 km wide, interconnected West Antarctic ice streams (Note: this repository documentation is still a work in progress).
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Smith Glacier experiments

This repository consist of several experiments with Fenics_ice over Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers. They are three narrow ∼ 10 km wide interconnected West Antarctic ice streams.

Note: this repository documentation is a work in progress :construction_worker:

The code has been developed to:

  1. Create a finite element mesh of the region of interest, where simulations will be carried out.
  2. Generate the all input data (crop to the study domain) needed by Fenics_ice.

And to carry out the following experiments with the model:

  1. Invert for basal drag and ice stiffness by minimizing the difference between model and observed ice velocities (Jcmis).
  2. Run the eigendecomposition of the Hessian matrix of the model-observations misfit Jcmis and multiply this, by the inverse of the covariance matrix of the basal drag/ice stiffness.
  3. And finally project this covariance on a linearization of the time-dependent ice sheet model (using Automatic Differentiation to generate the linearization) and estimate the growth of a QoI (Quantity of Interest) uncertainty over time (e.g. Ice mass loss).

Repository structure:

Installation and usage

Check out the repository Wiki for installation and usage.