Closed bearecinos closed 2 years ago
I will merge this but leave issue #21 open til tomorrow's meeting because I want to test the sampling posterior and prior code.
hi @bearecinos i was not able to comment yesterday. just to say, i didnt realise there was this much NaN, but if so, this just reflects where MEaSUREs is NaN (with the NaNs expanded). let's talk at the meeting briefly about this. you could easily just use replace with stdx and stdy from ITS_LIVE where the interpolated MEaSUREs errors are NaN.
That its do-able ... will make that change and commit it
cc. @dngoldberg
solving issue #21 This new function interpolates MEaSUREs 2014 data to the ITSLive grid and generates a fenics_ice ready velocity file with Itslive cloud point data for 2014.
The STD for the velocity components have been adjusted according to the following:
np.maxima(vx_err_s, np.abs(vx_s-vx_mi_s))
is the velocity difference between ITslive 2014 and Measures 2014 (interpolated to the itslive grid).For the STDVX:
For the STDVY: