Experiments with Fenics_ice over Smith, Pope, and Kohler Glaciers; three narrow ∼ 10 km wide, interconnected West Antarctic ice streams (Note: this repository documentation is still a work in progress).
(cc @dngoldberg )
This commit is to fix #55 and #15 ... although since we are now developing the ASE model setup the issue #15 will be on that repository first.
Once the reviews of the manuscript are done I will continue to modify and improve the scrips on smith. I don't want to cause breaking changes to the routines of this repository.
One more reason why I need to separate ficetools as soon as the other paper is publish. (jumping from one repo to another one is not pretty)
(cc @dngoldberg ) This commit is to fix #55 and #15 ... although since we are now developing the ASE model setup the issue #15 will be on that repository first.
Once the reviews of the manuscript are done I will continue to modify and improve the scrips on smith. I don't want to cause breaking changes to the routines of this repository.
One more reason why I need to separate ficetools as soon as the other paper is publish. (jumping from one repo to another one is not pretty)
Cheers Bea