beatgammit / tar-js

Tar implemented in the browser
MIT License
89 stars 17 forks source link


Have you ever wanted to tar something, but you didn't want to push it to your server first?

Tar-js is here to the rescue!!

With tar-js, you can construct a tar archive in the browser. This is basically a port of tar-async for Nodejs for the browser, with a couple differences.

Here's what it supports:


Tar needs an HTML5 compliant browser. More specifically it needs Uint8Array to work.

The examples depend on pakmanager, a package manager for the browser to make code written for node run in the browser. Install it as such:

pakmanager build

Usage Guide

The easiest way to interface with it is by using pakmanager. Include the package from pakmanager in your html, and then in you javascript:

var Tar = require('tar'),
    tape = new Tar();

Then all you got to do is call tape.append with your params and it'll be added to the archive. That's it!

Here's the api for append: append(filepath, content, [opts], [callback])