beatnaut / remaputils

Remap Utils
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R Library and DECAF Clever Runtime for REMAP Utilities

This repository provides an R library (remaputils) and a DECAF Clever runtime (decaf-clever-runtime-remaputils) for auxiliary DECAF and REMAP routines.

TODO: Add general introduction.

The R Library

TODO: Add instructions for installation and usage.

The DECAF Clever Runtime

In addition to the remaputils R library, this repository provides a DECAF Clever runtime, namely decaf-clever-runtime-remaputils, as a Docker image. It can be used as a standalone Docker image for both testing and production purposes.

Docker images are hosted on a proprietary Docker image registry:

You should first authenticate against this registry before pulling from or pushing to it. This has to be done once on each host (workstation or server) unless your authentication credentials have changed:

docker login

Then on an ongoing bases, you can pull the Docker image for a given version as follows:

docker pull<VERSION>

In addition to official releases versioned as v<VERSION>, you can pull Docker images built and pushed for preview purposes:

docker pull<GITHUB-PR-NUMBER>

During Development

It might be a good practice to test remaputils in its own runtime during development.

Let's say that you made a change to remaputils R library. Now, you want to test whether it installs and works correctly in the runtime.

First, build the runtime, ie. its Docker image:

docker build --build-arg VERSION=testing --tag runtime-remaputils-testing .


In the above command, we are passing a Docker build argument via --build-arg, namely VERSION, that will set the runtime environment variable DECAF_CLEVER_RUNTIME_IMAGE_VERSION. Since this build is not for a production release, we are setting it to testing.`

Also, we are setting the repository name as runtime-remaputils-testing. Note that Docker image repository names are quite arbitrary if we are not going to push the Docker image to a public or private registry. You can choose a different repository name, but then, you should use that very name in the instructions below.

The build may take a while, especially when you are building it for the first time. During subsequent runs, Docker will skip steps which performs the bulk of the installation, if you did not change dependencies (or and Dockerfile). Subsequent runs are typically completed in about 15-20 seconds.

Once ready, give a try to the Docker image by running it with a simple command (env that prints all environment variables):

docker run --rm runtime-remaputils-testing env

You can use the same Docker image to check the R package, too:

docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/tmp/remaputils" runtime-remaputils-testing R --quiet --vanilla -e 'devtools::check("/tmp/remaputils")'

Indeed, you can even simulate a DECAF Clever job. See ./var/clever/examples/basic/ for how you can do it.

Preview Builds When Using GitHub Pull Requests

Each time there is new pull request or there is an update to the pull request, a new Docker image is built and pushed for preview and testing purposes via a GitHub action.

You can then pull these Docker images as follows:

docker pull<GITHUB-PR-NUMBER>

GitHub action will keep building and pushing Docker images as there are new commits pushed to the PR.

However, GitHub action will keep using the same Docker image tag (pr-<GITHUB-PR-NUMBER>) when building and pushing Docker images to the registry.

This means that:

  1. The Docker image on the registry with the same tag will be overridden.
  2. You have to pull the new build again even if you have pulled one with the same tag before.


There is nothing preventing you from using these images on production, but we strongly advise against doing so as reproducibility is not guaranteed. Do so with caution only if there really is some urgency and it is documented and/or communicated with stakeholders.

Production Builds After Release

Each time there is a new tag pushed to the Git repository, a GitHub action builds a new Docker image with the tag as the version.

For example, if there is a new tag v<VERSION> pushed to the Git repository, then the GitHub action will build and push a new Docker image that you can pull as follows:

docker push<NEW-VERSION>

If, for some reason, you need to manually build and push the Docker image to the registry, follow the instructions below.

Build the image (replace <NEW-VERSION> with the version of the release):

docker build --build-arg VERSION=<NEW-VERSION> --tag<NEW-VERSION> .

For example, if the version of the new release is 0.0.1:

docker build --build-arg VERSION=0.0.1 --tag .

Then, push the successfully built Docker image to the registry so that others can start using it in production, again, by replacing <NEW-VERSION> with the version of the release:

docker push<NEW-VERSION>

For example, if the version of the new release is 0.0.1:

docker push