Flixster shows the latest movies currently playing in theaters. The app utilizes the Movie Database API to display images and basic information about these movies to the user and a YouTube API to play trailers.
Time spent: 13.5 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
The following stretch features are implemented:
Here's a walkthrough of implemented user stories:
GIF created with Kap.
I had some difficulties with the rounded corners feature for landscape mode because the image would get distorted/squished, but I managed to resize it so it takes up the full image view element. I also had quite a challenge with adding the video/trailer feature. I initially had difficulty understanding the way the code would work together (especially with the need to make a new Activity, when in my mind the feature should have been a part of the details activity). Once I cleared up that, I also had difficulty grabbing the key for the video- the key was always null. This was because the function I had that was getting the key was working asynchronously from the rest of my code where I actually tried to get that video at that key (so the key hadn't been found by the time I was trying to find the video).