beautyjoy /

The main BJC website
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ap-computer-science computer-science computer-science-education computer-science-principles jekyll snap

The Beauty and Joy of Computing

Page Accessibility Specs

This is the repo for the BJC homepage.

Getting Started is built using Jekyll, a tool which builds static sities, mostly by compiling Markdown and some special formatting into HTML. Check out Jekyll's site for some good guides.

The site is setup so you can probably get started by searching for page, and clicking the edit button right inside GitHub. (The edit button is located in the upper right controls for each file).

Editing Content

Most pages can be updated simply by finding the file. Some pages are written in Markdown, which has a .md extension, but you can use HTML inside a markdown file.

If you're editing a file and see an {% include ... %} tag, you'll find that content inside the _includes/ directory.

Editing Shared Components



Developing Locally (or in Cloud9)

You'll need Ruby installed on your computer, but that's it.

Assuming that's installed, this will get you fully setup.

git clone
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve

After that you'll be able to access the site at http://localhost:4000. The next time you work on the site you'll only need to run bundle exec jekyll serve.


We're currently using GitHub pages as a review site. GitHub handles this automagically, and you can view the work on the master branch

The main site is

When new updates are ready, make a pull request from master to berkeley and everything will get updated in just a couple minutes.

Make a pull request using this link.

Deployment is fairly straightforward, when the berkeley branch is updated, a process is kicked off that will build the site using the _config_berkeley file and then simply SCP the files to the proper folders.

The bin/ directory and circle.yml include all the necessary steps for deployment.