splicekit: an integrative toolkit for splicing analysis from short-read RNA-seq
splicekit is a modular platform for splicing analysis from short-read RNA-seq datasets. The platform also integrates an JBrowse2 instance, pybio for genomic operations and scanRBP for RNA-protein binding studies. The whole analysis is self-contained (one single folder) and the platform is written in Python, in a modular way.
Check a short video presentation about splicekit (poster) at ECCB 2023 on Youtube:
Quick start
The easiest way to install splicekit is to simply run:
$ pip install splicekit
Note that on some systems, pip is installing the executable scripts under ~/.local/bin
. However this folder is not in the PATH which will result in command not found
if you try to run $ splicekit
on the command line. To fix this, please execute:
export PATH="$PATH:~/.local/bin"
Another suggestion is to install inside a virtual environment (using virtualenv
Installing splicekit directly from the GitHub repository
pip install git+https://github.com/bedapub/splicekit.git@main
If you already have aligned reads in BAM files
All you need is `samples.tab` (note that this is a TAB delimited file) and `splicekit.config` in one folder (check [datasets](datasets) for examples).
You can easily download and prepare the reference genome (e.g. `$ pybio genome homo_sapiens`).
Finally run `$ splicekit process` (inside the folder with `samples.tab` and `splicekit.config`).
Easiest is to check [datasets](datasets) examples to see how the above files look like and also to check scripts if you need to map reads from FASTQ files with `pybio`.
v0.6: released in April 2024
- updated reports
- JUNE analysis (junction-events to classify skipped and mutually exclusive exons)
Past changenotes (click to view)
v0.4.9: released in November 2023
* added rMATS analysis for splicing events
* added Docker container that can be directly imported to singularity via ghcr.io
* fixed dependencies
* other small fixes
v0.4: released in May 2023
* added singularity container with all dependencies
* added local integrated JBrowse2
* cluster or desktop runs
* scanRBP and bootstrap analysis of RNA-protein binding
* further development and integration with pybio
* extended documentation of concepts, analysis and results
v0.3: released in January 2023 (click to show details)
* re-coded junction analysis
* independent junctions parsing from provided bam files
* master table of all junctions in the samples of the analyzed project, including novel junctions (refseq/ensembl non-annotated)
* clustering by logFC of pairwise-comparisons with dendrogram: junction, exon and gene levels (clusterlogfc module)
* added *first_exon* annotation for junctions touching annotated first exons of transcripts
* extended documentation of concepts, analysis and results
v0.2: released in October 2022
* software architecture restructure with python modules
* filtering of lowly expressed features by edgeR
* DonJuan analysis (junction-anchor analysis)
* more advanced motif analysis with DREME
* filtering regulated junctions with regulated donors
v0.1: released in July 2022
* initial version of splicekit
* parsing of junction and exon counts
* computing edgeR analysis from count tables and producing a results file with direct links to JBrowse2
* basic motif analysis
Citing and Contact
If you find splicekit useful in your work and research, please cite:
Rot, G., Wehling, A., Schmucki, R., Berntenis, N., Zhang, J. D., & Ebeling, M. (2024)
splicekit : an integrative toolkit for splicing analysis from short-read RNA-seq
Bioinformatics Advances, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/bioadv/vbae121
In case of questions, issues and other ideas, please use the GitHub Issues or write directly to Gregor Rot.