A collection of programs and scripts to solve and analyze the Kane-Mele-Hubbard model in a variety of (dynamical-)mean-field settings. Based on the QcmPlab libraries.
The project relies on several external libraries:
All the required[^1] dependencies are embedded in the project as git submodules. To download the project with all the intended versions of such libraries run:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/bellomia/KMHproject.git
To pull upstream changes < of one specific submodule > you can invoke:
git submodule update --remote --merge <submodule-name>
Warning: The build and installation of the libraries is not automatized (yet?), thus you will need to enter each submodule directory and follow the provided instructions. All the upstream requirements have to be met, even the "optional" ones (e.g. MPI related stuff).
[^1]: PythTB
is used only as an authoritative benchmark for the noninteracting Kane Mele model, through the tb_km_2d.py
and tb_qhi_supercell.py
scripts. The last stable version can be installed by typing pip install pythtb --upgrade