beegee-tokyo / RAK4631-LPWAN-Tracker

Example code for a LPWAN tracker based on the RAK WisBlock products
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RAK4631 LoRaWan® tracker node solutionRAKwireless ===
This code acts as a LoRaWan® tracker node. It gets location information from an attached uBlox GPS module. In addition an acceleration sensor is used to detect if the tracker is moving. If moving of the tracker is detected, location information is sent immediately. If the tracker is stationary, the location data is sent every 1 minute


This solution shows

Hardware required

To build this solution the following hardware is required

Software required

To build this solution the following is required

LoRaWan server required

In order to get this code working you need access to a LoRaWan® gateway. This could be either of

In addition you need an account at TheThingsNetwork. You need to create an application there and register your device before the data you send over LoRa can be forwarded by the gateway. It is quite simple and there is a good tutorial at RAKwireless RAK4270 Quick Start Guide. It is for another product of RAK, but the steps how to setup an application and how to register your device are the same.

The region you live in defines the frequency your LoRaWan® gateways will use. So you need to setup your device to work on the correct frequency.

With the new LoRaWAN® library SX126x-Arduino V2.0.0 the region is set as a parameter in lmh_init().

In the call lmh_init() the last parameter defines the LoRaWAN® region.
The region is setup by adding a build flag into your projects platformio.ini file.

Short explanation about the new lmh_init() call:

/**@brief Lora Initialisation
 * @param callbacks   Pointer to structure containing the callback functions
 * @param lora_param  Pointer to structure containing the parameters
 * @param otaa        Choose OTAA (true) or ABP (false) activation
 * @param nodeClass   Choose node class CLASS_A, CLASS_B or CLASS_C, default to CLASS_A
 * @param region      Choose LoRaWAN region to set correct region parameters, defaults to EU868
 * @retval error status
    lmh_error_status lmh_init(lmh_callback_t *callbacks, lmh_param_t lora_param, bool otaa, 
                              eDeviceClass nodeClass = CLASS_A, 
                              LoRaMacRegion_t region = LORAMAC_REGION_EU868);

The first three parameters are the same as before. Two new parameters have been added.

eDeviceClass nodeClass

Even this parameter was defined in V1.x, the lmh_init() ignored it and initialized the node ALWAYS as a node Class A.
Now you can explicit set your node to CLASS_A or CLASS_C. Please take note that CLASS_B is still not supported by the library.

LoRaMacRegion_t region

This parameter selects the LoRaWAN region for your application. Allowed values for the region are:

Some explanation for the code

Due to the complexity of the code, it is split into functional parts.

How to achieve power saving with nRF52 cores on Arduino IDE

Within the nRF52 Arduino framework is no specific function to send the MCU into sleep mode. The MCU will go into sleep mode when

In this example you use the semaphore method.

Two tasks are running independently, the loop() task and the loraTask() task which is started by the SX126x-Arduino library and runs in the background. A semaphores are used to control the activity of the loop() tasks.

/** Semaphore to wake up the main loop */
SemaphoreHandle_t loopEnable;

After setup and starting the LoRaWan join process, the semaphore loopEnable is taken.
This means the loop task will go into waiting mode while the loraTask is handling LoRaWan events in the background. The LoRaWan task is in sleep mode until a LoRa event occurs.
At this point no more task is active and the device will go into sleep mode.

Events to wake up the MCU

  1. Accelerometer detect movement If the ACC sensor detects movement, the MCU receives an interrupt. In the interrupt callback the semaphore loopEnable is given again, which allows the loop task to run.
  2. Timer event If the periodic sending timer is triggered, the MCU will wake up and the callback function of the timer will give the semaphore loopEnable, which allows the loop task to run.

Once the loop task is enabled, it will poll the position from the GPS module and requests sending a data package by calling sendLoRaFrame(). Then it takes the semaphore loopEnable, which puts herself back into waiting mode until the next event.

LoRa® is a registered trademark or service mark of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. LoRaWAN® is a licensed mark.