beele / homebridge-unifi-protect-camera-motion

Camera & Motion sensor support for Unifi Protect cameras in Homekit via Homebridge
Apache License 2.0
103 stars 12 forks source link
camera homebridge homekit ios motion-events motion-sensor motion-sensors notifications protect security tensorflow ubiquiti unifi unifi-protect unifi-protect-cameras

Unifi-Protect-Camera-Motion verified-by-homebridge

Build Status npm donate

This Homebridge plugin allows you to add your Unifi Protect Cameras (and their Motion Sensors) to Homekit. It adds smart detection by using a machine learning model to detect specific classes of objects in the camera view.

How it Works

This plugin will automatically discover all the Unifi cameras from your Protect installation, and provide the following sensors for each one it finds:

Motion Events and object detection

The plugin uses the Unifi Protect API to get motion events on a per camera basis. When motion has been detected one of the two methods below will be used to generate a motion notification in Homekit:


Before installing this plugin, please make sure all the prerequisites have been met first. Consult the readme and the wiki before proceeding.

In short, the main dependencies are:


Next, to install this plugin simply type:

sudo npm install homebridge-unifi-protect-camera-motion -g --unsafe-perm=true

Next, open the config.json that contains your Homebridge configuration, and add a block like the following one to the platforms array:

    "platform": "UnifiProtectMotion", 
    "name": "Unifi protect cameras & motion sensors", 
    "unifi": { 
        "controller": "https://protect-ip:controller-ui-port", 
        "controller_rtsp": "rtsp://protect-ip:controller-rtsp-port", 
        "username": "username", 
        "password": "password", 
        "excluded_cameras": [
        "motion_interval": 5000, 
        "motion_repeat_interval": 30000, 
        "motion_score": 0, 
        "enhanced_motion": true, 
        "enhanced_motion_score": 50, 
        "enhanced_classes": ["person"], 
        "enable_motion_trigger": true,
        "enable_doorbell_for": [
        "save_snapshot": true,
        "debug": false, 
        "debug_network_traffic": false,
    "upload_gphotos": false,
    "googlePhotos": {
        "auth_clientId": "CLIENT-ID",
        "auth_clientSecret": "CLIENT-SECRET",
        "auth_redirectUrl": "http://localhost:8888/oauth2-callback"
    "mqtt_enabled": false,
    "mqtt": {
        "broker": "mqtt://broker-ip",
        "username": "MQTT-BROKER-USERNAME",
        "password": "MQTT-BROKER-PASSWORD",
        "topicPrefix": "motion/cameras"

You can verify the correctness of your config file by using jsonlint. The config must be valid or Homebridge will fail to restart correctly. If you are using Homebridge Config X, it will do its best to alert you to any syntax errors it finds.

General configuration fields

Field Type Required Default value Description
platform string yes / UnifiProtectMotion
name string yes / Name of the plugin that shows up in the Homebridge logs
unifi object yes / Wrapper object containing the unifi configuration
upload_gphotos boolean no false Contains a boolean indicating whether or not to upload each detection to a google photos album. When using enhanced mode the image is annotated with the class/score that was detected.
mqtt_enabled boolean no false Set this to true to enable MQTT support. Additional configuration required!
videoProcessor string no ffmpeg Contains the path to an custom FFmpeg binary

Unifi configuration fields

Field Type Required Default value Description
controller string yes / Contains the URL to the CloudKey or UDM with UnifiOS, or as legacy the URL to the Unifi Protect web UI, including port (no / or /protect/ at the end!)
controller_rtsp string yes / Contains the base URL to be used for playing back the RTSP streams, as seen in the RTSP configuration (no / at the end)
username string yes / Contains the username that is used to login in the web UI
password string yes / Contains the password that is used to login in the web UI
excluded_cameras no string[] [] An array that contains the IDs of the cameras which should be excluded from the enumeration in Homekit, all available IDs are printed during startup
motion_interval number yes / Contains the interval in milliseconds used to check for motion, a good default is 5000 milliseconds
motion_repeat_interval number no / Contains the repeat interval in milliseconds during which new motion events will not be triggered if they belong to the same ongoing motion, a good default is 30000 to 60000 milliseconds. This will prevent a bunch of notifications for events which are longer than the motion_interval! Omit this field to disable this functionality
motion_score number yes / Contains the minimum score in % that a motion event has to have to be processed, a good default is 50%, set this to 0 when using enhanced motion!
enhanced_motion boolean yes / Enables or disables the enhanced motion & object detection detection with Tensorflow
enhanced_motion_score number sometimes / This field is required if the enhanced_motion field is set to true and contains the minimum score/certainty in % the enhanced detection should reach before allowing an motion event to be triggered
enhanced_classes string[] sometimes [] This field is required if the enhanced_motion field is set to true and contains an array of classes (in lowercase) of objects to dispatch motion events for. The array should not be empty when using the enhanced detection! Look in look in src/coco/classes.ts for all available classes
enable_motion_trigger boolean no false Contains a boolean that when set to true will enable an extra button for each camera to manually trigger a motion notification
enable_doorbell_for string[] no [] Contains the id of the cameras for which the doorbell functionality should be enabled, all available IDs are printed during startup
save_snapshot boolean no false Contains a boolean indicating whether or not to save each detection to a jpg file in the .homebridge directory. When using enhanced mode the image is annotated with the class/score that was detected.
debug boolean no false Contains a boolean indicating whether or not to enable debug logging for the plugin and FFmpeg
debug_network_traffic boolean no false Contains a boolean indication whether or not to enable logging of all network requests

Google Photos configuration

Field Type Required Default value Description
auth_clientId string sometimes / This field is required when the upload_gphotos is set to true. Fill in the Client ID you generated for OAuth2 authentication
auth_clientSecret string sometimes / This field is required when the upload_gphotos is set to true. Fill in the Client Secret you generated for OAuth2 authentication
auth_redirectUrl string sometimes / Fill in 'http://localhost:8888/oauth2-callback' as a default, if you change this value to something else, also change it when creating the OAuth2 credentials! The port should always be 8888!

To enable the upload to Google Photos functionality please read the relevant wiki article

MQTT configuration

Field Type Required Default value Description
broker string no / This field is required when the enabled field is set to true. Fill in your MQTT broker url, without the port
username string no / This field contains the username for the MQTT broker connection, if any
password string no / This field contains the password for the MQTT broker connection, if any
topicPrefix string no / This field contains the optional topic prefix. Each motion event will be dispatched under topicPrefix/cameraName

Camera configuration

How to add the cameras to your Homekit setup

As per 0.4.1 the enumerated cameras and accompanying switches/triggers will show up automatically, You don't need to add them in manually anymore! If you add your Homebridge instance to the Home app the cameras will automatically be there.

Upgrade notice

If you are upgrading from a pre 0.4.1 the cameras you previously had in the Home app will no longer work and will have to be removed! Tap on a camera preview to open the camera feed, click the settings icon and scroll all the way to the bottom, there select Remove camera from home.

How to enable rich notifications (with image preview)

Tested with

Limitations, known issues & TODOs



Plugin development


A big thanks to the developers of Homebridge Camera FFmpeg and Homebridge-unifi-protect for their contributions and valuable insights in how to get things working!


This plugin is provided free of charge and without any warranty of its functionality.
The creator cannot be held responsible for any damages, missed motion notifications that cause damage or harm.