beknobloch / FitnessTracker

Fitness tracker app for SSW 322 major project
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UML Diagrams: Class diagram #17

Open beknobloch opened 5 months ago

beknobloch commented 5 months ago

Shows the dependencies between different packages in a system

mamorales5523 commented 4 months ago

The main class would be the user. Health coach could either be represented as a "isHealthCoach" variable within the user or it could be a subclass of the user class if there are extra variables that only the health coach would have.

NoahSpina commented 4 months ago
oelkhafi commented 4 months ago

A Coach would be a Class for example, a user would be another class. A coach could have a one to many relationship to the user class because a coach will probably be coaching multiple users. Within the Coach class, there would probably be a setGoal class for Users but would still be accessible by the user. The user class would have subclasses such as Goals, Health chart, Information.