beknobloch / FitnessTracker

Fitness tracker app for SSW 322 major project
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Fitness tracker app for SSW 322 fitness tracker project

1) View online

2) Run locally Navigate to project folder:

cd fitness-tracker

Install newly added node modules:

npm install

Run project:

npm start

This application empowers users to seamlessly register as either a dedicated trainee or a knowledgeable health coach. Trainees, equipped with a FitBit account, effortlessly sync their device to showcase their fitness metrics. Moreover, trainees gain the invaluable option to select a personalized health coach. These experienced coaches are granted access to their trainee's FitBit goals, enabling them to curate new goals and continually refine the fitness journey for optimal results. All features are working on this fully hosted web page.

Register Screen:


Trainee's Metrics:


Health Coach Curating Trainee's Goals:


Trainee Goal Acception/Rejection:


Settings Page:
