bellymonster / Weighted-Soft-Label-Distillation

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Rethinking soft labels for knowledge distillation: a bias-variance tradeoff perspective

Accepted by ICLR 2021

This is the offical PyTorch implementation of paper Rethinking soft labels for knowledge distillation: a bias-variance tradeoff perspective.


ImageNet Training

The code is used for training Imagenet. Our pre-trained teacher models are Pytorch official models. By default, we pack the ImageNet data as the lmdb file for faster IO. The lmdb files can be made as follows.

  1. Generate the list of the image data. python dataset/ --image_path 'the path of your image data' --output_path 'the path to output the list file'

  2. Use the image list obtained above to make the lmdb file. python dataset/ --image_path 'the path of your image data' --list_path 'the path of your image list' --output_path 'the path to output the lmdb file' --split 'split folder (train/val)'



Network Method mIOU
ResNet 34 Teacher 73.31
ResNet 18 Original 69.75
ResNet 18 Proposed 72.04
Network Method mIOU
ResNet 50 Teacher 76.16
MobileNetV1 Original 68.87
MobileNetV1 Proposed 71.52


In this code we refer to the following implementations: Overhaul and DenseNAS. Great thanks to them.


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  title={Rethinking soft labels for knowledge distillation: a bias-variance tradeoff perspective},
  author={Helong, Zhou and Liangchen, Song and Jiajie, Chen and Ye, Zhou and Guoli, Wang and Junsong, Yuan and Qian Zhang},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},