bem-contrib / bem-redux

Redux for BEM projects
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Redux for BEM projects

How to use

You have 2 ways to use it.

Block as state container

Inherit your block that should be state container from redux-state-container using base-block construction.

Declare (override) you own getInitialState and rootReducer methods (more about reducers).

Use redux store api to interact with your store:

// Dispatch some actions

// Subscribe to the state changes

// Get current state

Store as singleton

You can use Redux as you want.

Just add redux in your module dependencies and go ahead.

For example, you can define module that provides your store with your logic as singleton.

modules.define('my-store', ['redux'], function(provide, Redux) {
    const initialState = { ... };
    const rootReducer = (state, action) => { ... };
    const store = Redux.createStore(rootReducer, initialState);

Use this store in needed blocks adding my-store in dependencies.

View example

Todo example for bem-redux.