ben-hudson / pylkh

A super simple Python wrapper for the constrained traveling salesman and vehicle routing problem solver LKH-3.
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python tsp tsp-problem tsp-solver vrp vrp-solver


This is a super simple Python wrapper for the constrained traveling salesman and vehicle routing problem solver called LKH-3.

If you want to use this wrapper, you need to install LKH-3 first. For example, on Ubuntu:

tar xvfz LKH-3.0.6.tgz
cd LKH-3.0.6
sudo cp LKH /usr/local/bin

LKH-3 expects problems in the TSPLIB format. It extends the format to support VRPs.

Using PyLKH you can solve problems represented as Python objects or files.

CAUTION: distances are represented by integer values in the TSPLIB format. This can produce unexpected behaviour for some problems, like those with all nodes within the unit square. You can use the EXACT_2D distance to avoid rounding issues.


pip install lkh


import requests
import lkh

problem_str = requests.get('').text
problem = lkh.LKHProblem.parse(problem_str)

solver_path = '../LKH-3.0.6/LKH'
lkh.solve(solver_path, problem=problem, max_trials=10000, runs=10)

Output (values correspond to nodes, which are 1-indexed, not node indicies, which are 0-indexed):

[[27, 8, 14, 18, 20, 32, 22],
 [25, 28],
 [15, 29, 12, 5, 24, 4, 3, 7],
 [30, 19, 9, 10, 23, 16, 11, 26, 6, 21],
 [13, 2, 17, 31]]


lkh.solve(solver='LKH', problem=None, problem_file=None, **kwargs)

Solve a problem instance.



routes: List of lists of nodes (nodes, not node indicies).

class lkh.LKHProblem

A problem that can be solved by LKH-3. Fields are (partially) described here (pg. 4-6). Inherits from tsplib95.models.StandardProblem.

The available specification fields are:

The available data fields are:

You probably want to initialize a problem instance using one of the following class methods:

classmethod load(filepath, **options)

Load a problem instance from a text file.

Inherited from tsplib95.problems.Problem.load.

classmethod parse(text, **options)

Parse text into a problem instance.

Inherited from tsplib95.problems.Problem.parse.

classmethod read(fp, **options)

Read a problem instance from a file-like object.

Inherited from


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