ben-ng / paq

Multithreaded browserify
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link


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paq implements a subset of Browserify's features with full multithreading support. For impatient people who have to deal with large codebases.

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What's Working

What's Not Working


USAGE: paq <entry files> [options]

  --parserTasks=<integer>          The maximum number of concurrent AST parsers
  --requireTasks=<integer>         The maximum number of concurrent require
  --standalone                     Returns a module that exports the entry
                                   file's export
  --convertBrowserifyTransform     Returns a module that wraps a browserify
                                   transform for use with paq
  --ignoreUnresolvableExpressions  Ignores expressions in require statements
                                   that cannot be statically evaluated

Under The Hood



To work on paq, you'll need these tools:

To run the tests (which require the things mentioned above) you can either run npm test from the command line, or run the paq-test target in Xcode.