benboardley / Elysium

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Elysium: New Generation Music Sharing Application


Benjamin Boardley - Garrett Phillips - Jack Gardner

Application Description

The inspiration for this application initially comes from the argument of "What's better? Spotify or Apple Music?" We saw a divide between music lovers and wanted to find a way to connect them. Out of this, Elysium was born.

The goal of Elysium was to create a social music hub for users regardless of their streaming service. It aims to connect users through cross-compatible music sharing and friend connections. Our application allows users to post text, song, album, and playlist-based content to share with friends. As of today, our app is deployed as a web application, and ideally will also be available for download on mobile platforms such as the iOS App Store and Andriod's Google Play store.

Current Application Status

We have released a beta version of our application available for web users, and plan to have version 1.0 released by the start of 2025. It is our hope that this version will be available on mobile as well as web.

As of today, our application only allows Spotify users to connect and share content due to complications with the Apple Developer Program. Although, we hope to have Apple Music compatibility in our next beta release.

Application Views

Login Screen

User Profile

User Feed


As stated in the description above, our application is available for web users at: **PUT LINK HERE**

Mobile users will be able to download our application from the iOS App Store or the Andriod Google Play Store at the release of version 1.0.


Current Features:

Upcoming Features


If you are interested in contributing to this product, please reach out to any of the founders' emails listed below. We are open to discussing the addition of new members given the workload we expect.


Benjamin Boardley -

Garrett Phillips -

Jack Gardner -