benchopt / benchmark_tv_1d

TV Denoising in 1D
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List of algorithms for analysis formulation #10

Open svaiter opened 2 years ago

svaiter commented 2 years ago

We consider TV-like problem of the form

where $f,g$ are convex, lsc, closed, $A$ is a linear operator, $D$ is represents a finite difference operator, either in 1D or 2D We let $\ell(x) = f(Ax - y)$.

Depending on $f,g,A$ several algorithms can be implemented and below is a subset of them.

Data fidelity loss and metric on D x





Note: Huber and L1 can be used either as a data fidelity metric, or as a way to measure the gradient ($|\cdot|^{2}$ can also be used for $g$ but then it $Γ$-converges towards the Sobovel energy).


Direct methods

Forward-Backward on the dual

The starting point is to consider the dual problem of the primal problem reads


Proximal-dual hybrid gradient

The starting point is two possible saddle point problems equivalent \eqref{eq:tv-gen}

if $\ell$ is prox-easy or

if $g$ is prox-easy but $\ell$ is not prox-easy.


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agramfort commented 2 years ago

thanks @svaiter !

would you have some code to share to start adding some of these solvers?

Message ID: @.***>

svaiter commented 2 years ago

No. I always use (*) either FB on the dual for denoising, or CP w/o preconditionning for inverse problems/regression (I believe both are implemented). But I will try to give a hand asap to implement some of them.

(*) without any other good reason than ratio simplicity to implement / performance in favour of them.