bend / interceptor

An Http Server written in CPP
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 0 forks source link
cpp http-server interceptor


Build Status Codacy Badge

A fast Web server written in C++

Actual Support (will be updated while the project evolves)


Build & Install

This program need libz, libboost, libgamin, c++17 compliant compiler You need cmake to build it. You can also build it using docker with this command:

sudo docker run -v $PWD:/code -t interceptor /bin/bash -c "export ENABLE_GZIP=$ENABLE_GZIP; export DEBUG_LOGGING=$DEBUG_LOGGING; export ENABLE_LOCAL_CACHE=$ENABLE_LOCAL_CACHE; cd /code; cmake -DENABLE_GZIP=$ENABLE_GZIP -DDEBUG_LOGGING=$DEBUG_LOGGING . && make && make install && env CTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE=1 make test"

Compilation Flags

  ENABLE_GZIP=[on|off] // whether you want to enable gzip support for compression, required libz
  DEBUG_LOGGING=[on|off] // whether you want verbose logging or not
  ENABLE_LOCAL_CACHE=[on|off] // whether you want to enable local caching or not

To compile it just run

cmake . && make


You can find a configuration example in the config/ directory. Be carefull that comments are not supported by the json standard.

  "global" :  {
    "server-timeout" : 200, //timeout in seconds
    "client-timeout" : 200, //timeout in seconds
    "nb-threads" : 10, // number of threads to use by default it will use the number of cores
    "max-cache-size" : 100, // Size of the local cache to keep (in MB)
    "max-request-size": 4,  // Maximum allowed size for incomming requests
    "max-in-mem-request" : 2,   // Maximum size of a request on ram, after that the request will be swapped
    "error-pages" : [
      { "404" : "/home/ben/projects/interceptor/config/404.html" }, // displayed on error 404
      { "400" : "/home/ben/projects/interceptor/config/400.html" }  // displayed on error 400, if no page is specified or page is
                                                                        // not found, a default page will be returned
  "servers": [          
    {                           // first server, each server listens on a different port and can host multiple sites.
      "listen-host": "", // binding host
      "listen-port": 8000,      // binding port
      "server-timeout": 250,    // send timeout, overwrites global value
      "client-timeout": 250,    // read timeout, overwrites global value
      "sites": [
          "gzip": "css,html,js,png", // enable gzip compression for this site, only for those file type. "all" can be used for all filetypes
          "try-files" : [            // list of default indexes to look for
          "host": "",       // host of the site
          "docroot": "/usr/share/nginx/homepage/",    // root of the site
          "error-pages" : [         // error pages, overwrites default values
            { "404" : "404.html" },
            { "400" : "400.html" }
         "locations" : [
              "forbidden" : 403 // default code to return for this directory
              "/dir" : { // use cache-control for this directory
                "type" : "cache", 
                "expires": "1y"
              "*.php" : { // forward all php files to another connector
                "type": "connector", 
                "name": "php"
    {                           // second server
      "listen-host": "",
      "listen-port": 8002,

      "sites": [
          "gzip": "all",
          "try-files" : [
          "host": "",
          "docroot": "/home/ben/docker-data/cv-data/"
          "backend" : "backend_test" // forward all incomming requests for this site to the backend_test

   // define backends
   "backends" : [
    { "name" : "backend_test",
      "host": "",
      "port" : 7000
    { "name" : "backend_test2",
      "host": "",
      "port" : 7005

   // define connectors
  "connectors" : [
    { "name": "php",
      "type": "fcgi",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port" : 1234
      "name": "nginx",
      "type": "server",
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": 1235


The most simple way to run the progam is

./interceptor --config config.json

You can find more parameters with the --help flag