notebooks/Russian_TTS_with_IPA_G2P_FastPitch_and_HifiGAN.ipynb - inference pipeline for Russian TTS (G2P + FastPitch + HifiGAN) loading pretrained models from HuggingFace
scripts/tts/ru_ipa_fastpitch_hifigan/ - recipe for data preparation and training of Russian TTS (FastPitch + HifiGAN), using external G2P model.
scripts/nlp/en_spellmapper - Spellchecking model for English ASR Customization.
scripts/tts/en_g2p_cmu/ - example on how to run inference with English G2P model (converts to phonemes in CMU format).
scripts/tts/ru_g2p_ipa/ - example on how to run inference with Russian G2P model (converts to IPA-like phonemes).