benedictpaten / marginPhase

MIT License
34 stars 16 forks source link


MarginPhase is a program for simultaneous haplotyping and genotyping.


cmake version 3.7 (or higher):

wget && mkdir /opt/cmake && sh --prefix=/opt/cmake --skip-license && ln -s /opt/cmake/bin/cmake /usr/local/bin/cmake

If you're on Ubuntu:

apt-get -y install git make gcc g++ autoconf bzip2 lzma-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libcrypto++-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev

Running the program

Default options: -h --help : Print this help screen -o --outputBase : Base output identifier [default = "output"] "example" -> "example.sam", "example.vcf" -a --logLevel : Set the log level [default = info] -t --tag : Annotate all output reads with this value for the 'mp' tag

Nucleotide probabilities options: -s --singleNuclProbDir : Directory of single nucleotide probabilities files -S --onlySNP : Use only single nucleotide probabilities information, so reads that aren't in SNP dir are discarded

VCF Comparison options: -r --referenceVCF : Reference vcf file for output comparison -v --verbose : Bitmask controlling outputs 1 - LOG_TRUE_POSITIVES 2 - LOG_FALSE_POSITIVES 4 - LOG_FALSE_NEGATIVES example: 0 -> N/A; 2 -> LFP; 7 -> LTP,LFP,LFN)

- Nucleotide Probabilities - this is an alternate input format where reads aligned in a bam have nucleotide alignment posteriors stored in an external location. This option expects the files to be of the form: ${singleNuclProbDir}/${readId}.tsv  If specified, MarginPhase will load the posteriors into its model instead of alignments taken directly from the BAM.  Experimentally, we have found that alignments in this form help ameliorate high error rates found in long reads.

- VCF Comparison - passing in a referenceVCF into the program will do a comparison of the generated VCF and the specified truth set.  Verbosity level will determine what variant classifications will be printed.

- to run tests: ./allTests
(This runs every test. You can comment out ones you don't want to run in allTests.c)

## Notes: ##
- you'll need to have a reference genome available to write out all the files