benhuson / WP-Geo

WP Geo is a location plugin for WordPress that uses Google Maps. Current stable version can be downloaded from WordPress Extend.
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No post/page maps anymore :( #66

Closed RavanH closed 9 years ago

RavanH commented 9 years ago

I think since the last WP update (but not sure) the maps disappeared from the front end. Both the maps that used to display below each post and the mashup map. I tried the shortcodes [wpgeo_map] and [wpgeo_mashup] but that does not show anything either... Also the GEO information in the feeds has disappeared.

Other shortcodes like [wpgeo_latitude] [wpgeo_longitude] and [wpgeo_map_link] still work fine. The contextual/category map widgets work too.

The maps on the admin side still work fine too. Both front and back end are using the v3 API.

I see no errors in the log file. I tried deactivating all other plugins. Still nothing... but since the site is on a multisite setup, there are still some network wide plugins active: Akismet/Jetpack, BruteProtect, WordPress MU Domain Mapping, Google Analytics +, Yoast SEO. Cannot deactivate them because that will impact the whole network :(

How to debug?

benhuson commented 9 years ago

My first thought would be that it could be a JavaScript issue/conflict.

Can you see any JavaScript errors on the pages where you are using those shortcodes?

RavanH commented 9 years ago

Hi Ben, sorry I should have mentioned that too: no script errors in console either.

You can see examples here: should show a mashup map and where a map should (and used to) be visible below the post content. Notice the contextual map widget (that I placed there to replace the missing embedded map) is working...

benhuson commented 9 years ago

The weird thing is it's not outputting any of the HTML at all.

Can you go to the WP Geo settings in the admin, check and re-save them and see if that fixes it.

If not can you post a screen grab of your settings page so I can see how you have it configured.


RavanH commented 9 years ago

Yes, first thing I did was checking the settings and resaving them... Here is a tabshot:

benhuson commented 9 years ago

Hmm, not sure what's going on there. Would you be willing to email me with admin access so I can take a look?

RavanH commented 9 years ago

Will do!

RavanH commented 9 years ago

Hi Ben, I appreciate you help very much. Send me your e-mail address and I'll set up an admin account right now!

2014-12-08 10:26 GMT+01:00 Ben Huson

Hmm, not sure what's going on there. Would you be willing to email me with admin access so I can take a look?

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benhuson commented 9 years ago

[email removed]

RavanH commented 9 years ago

confirmation email sent :)

2014-12-09 20:50 GMT+01:00 Ben Huson :)

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benhuson commented 9 years ago

Erm, It appears the maps are now showing for me.

I haven't changed anything, have you?

RavanH commented 9 years ago

Hi Ben, that's just too weird... No I did not change anything in the plugin settings, or anything else on that site. The last post was done 7 days ago and the maps where not showing at that time.

I did however change something on the Network level. Apart from two or three plugin/theme updates, I changed a setting in the Domain Mapping configuration. I'll check if this could have anything to do with the issue...

2014-12-10 22:22 GMT+01:00 Ben Huson

Erm, It appears the maps are now showing for me.

I haven't changed anything, have you?

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RavanH commented 9 years ago

Update: no the settings in Domain Mapping did not cause the issue. I have absolutely NO idea. If it was an incompatibility with one of the recently updated (other) plugins then I can only conlude it is resolved now!

Thank you VERY much for taking the time to investigate :)

2014-12-10 23:15 GMT+01:00 Rolf Allard van Hagen

Hi Ben, that's just too weird... No I did not change anything in the plugin settings, or anything else on that site. The last post was done 7 days ago and the maps where not showing at that time.

I did however change something on the Network level. Apart from two or three plugin/theme updates, I changed a setting in the Domain Mapping configuration. I'll check if this could have anything to do with the issue...

2014-12-10 22:22 GMT+01:00 Ben Huson

Erm, It appears the maps are now showing for me.

I haven't changed anything, have you?

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benhuson commented 9 years ago

Hmm, weird. Oh well.... glad it's working again for you