benhuson / WP-Geo

WP Geo is a location plugin for WordPress that uses Google Maps. Current stable version can be downloaded from WordPress Extend.
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=== WP Geo === Contributors: husobj Tags: maps, map, geo, geocoding, google, location, georss Donate link: Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 5.4 Stable tag: 3.5.1 License: GPLv3 License URI:

Adds location maps to your posts, pages and custom post types.

== Description ==

Important Note About WP Geo 3.3+
This update now uses Google Maps API v3. While it should continue to work OK it you have simply installed and are using a previous version of WP Geo, if you have customised your templates or used any filters you may need to update your code to work with this version of Google's API. Please submit any bugs or issues here...

When editing a post or page, you will be able to set a physical location for that post and easily embed a Google map into your post. You can select the location by:

  1. Clicking on the map of the world to position the point.
  2. Searching for a location, town, city or address.
  3. Entering the latitude and longitude.

The WP Geo location selector is styled to fit seamlessly into the latest version of the WordPress admin.

More information can be found at

= Features =

= Languages =

WP Geo is currently available in the following languages:

== Installation ==

  1. Download the archive file and uncompress it.
  2. Put the "wp-geo" folder in "wp-content/plugins"
  3. Enable in WordPress by visiting the "Plugins" menu and activating it.
  4. Go to the Settings page in the admin and enter your Google API Key and customise the settings.

You will need to register a Google Maps Platform account to create an API key.

WP Geo will appear on the edit post and edit page screens. If you set a location, a Google map will automatically appear on your post or page (if your settings are set to).

= Upgrading =

If upgrading from a previous version of the plugin:

  1. If you are not performing an automatic upgrade, deactivate and reactivate the plugin to ensure any new features are correctly installed.
  2. Visit the settings page after installing the plugin to customise any new options.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

None at the moment.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Example of a post with a map.
  2. Admin panel shown when editing a post or page.
  3. Admin Settings
  4. Widget Settings

== Changelog ==

= WP Geo 3.5.1 =

= WP Geo 3.5 =

= WP Geo 3.4 =

= WP Geo 3.3.9 =

= WP Geo 3.3.8 =

= WP Geo 3.3.7 =

= WP Geo 3.3.6 =

= WP Geo 3.3.5 =

= WP Geo 3.3.4 =

= WP Geo 3.3.3 =

= WP Geo 3.3.2 =

= WP Geo 3.3.1 =

= WP Geo 3.3 =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo 3.2.7 =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo 3.2.6 =

= WP Geo 3.2.5 =

NOTE: You will need to re-add your widgets after upgrading!

= WP Geo 3.2.4 =

= WP Geo 3.2.3 =

= WP Geo 3.2.2 =

= WP Geo 3.2.1 =

= WP Geo 3.2 =

= WP Geo 3.1.4 =

= WP Geo 3.1.3 =

= WP Geo 3.1.2 =

= WP Geo 3.1.1 =

= WP Geo 3.1 =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo 3.0.9 =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo 3.0.8 =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo 3.0.7 =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo =

= WP Geo 3.0.6 =

= WP Geo 3.0.5 =

= WP Geo 3.0.4 =

= WP Geo 3.0.3 =

= WP Geo 3.0.2 =

= WP Geo 3.0.1 =

= WP Geo 3.0 =

= WP Geo 2.1.2 =

= WP Geo 2.1.1 =

= WP Geo 2.1 =

= WP Geo 2.0 =

= WP Geo 1.3 =

= WP Geo 1.2 =

= WP Geo 1.1 =

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 3.4 = Use PHP 5 class constructors (compatibility with WordPress 4.3). Escape HTML and attributes.

= 3.3.9 = Security fix: Escape URLs that use add_query_arg() or remove_query_arg(). Also prevent widgets from overwriting global $post variable.

= 3.3.8 = Fixed a JavaScript error that was breaking other scripts and Google Maps API v3 URL does not require API key.

= 3.3.7 = Only load admin JavaScript on edit post pages - fixes Jetpack plugin conflict.

= 3.3.6 = Fix tooltip titles.

= 3.3.5 = Workaround for when blog is non-ssl but the admin-page is and several new filters and parameters.

= 3.3.4 = Maps use default control setting if not specified. Remove old unused renderMapJS() function. Add post type support settings. Supports media.

= 3.3.3 = Fixes pan, zoom and map type controls.

= 3.3.2 = Fixes minimum zoom levels for maps and widgets, and Google Maps localization.

= 3.3.1 = Some fixes including SSL support including Google sensor parameter on mobile.

= 3.3 = Huge code changes for Google Maps API v3. You may need to update any custom code or plugins.

= 3.2.7 = Various bug fixes. Two new shortcodes. A new category widget. 'wpgeo_show_maps' filter. Better CPT compatibility.

= 3.2.5 = You will need to re-add your widgets after upgrading to 3.2.5!

= 2.2 = Please note that from version 2.2 you should access any WPGeo methods using the $wpgeo instance, not using a static class such as <?php WPGeo::categoryMap(); ?>.