benjaminapetersen / layout.attrs

An experiment in composable css attributes for building UI with flexbox in mind. Inspired by Polymer layout & Angular Material CSS.
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An experiment in composable attributes for building UI with flexbox. Inspired by Angular Material & Polymer layout modules.


In your html include the dist/layout.attrs.css or dist.layout.attrs.min.css file, or individual modules from the dist/modules directory.

Conceptually, these attributes should be used to generate layout for your DOM nodes while your own custom classes should be used to provide the theme. For example, something like <div layout row reverse class="widget widget-user">...</div>, assuming the classes widget and widget-user provide the actual look and feel for the component being built. The attributes should describe the layout.

Core vs. Optional modules

The main dist/layout.attrs.css or dist.layout.attrs.min.css do not include all of the options below to provide a reasonable default payload.

Excluded (optional) modules:

These modules include a preferrable syntax, but it comes at a cost to file size. If you are using no other css framework, then the additional bytes may be irrelevant to you. The same functionality exists in a more verbose but smaller payload.

A simple example

Use the attributes like this:

<div layout row reverse align-items="center">
  <div flex>flex foo</div>
  <div layout row mobile="column" tablet="column">
    <div flex resize="2 2">flex bar</div>
    <div flex scrollable>
      lorem ipsum......
  <div>no flex.</div>
  <div conceal="mobile tablet">Hidden on mobile and tablet</div>

More examples

The simplest layout:

<div layout mobile="column" desktop="row">
  <div flex>content</div>


<div layout row wrap reverse>


<div layout row>
  <div order="3">1.</div>
  <div order="1">2.</div>
  <div order="2">3.</div>

Adjusting the grow, shrink, and resize properties:

<div layout>
  <div flex grow="5">grow="5"</div>
  <div flex grow="7">grow="7"</div>
  <div flex grow="1">grow="1"</div>

<div layout>
  <div flex shrink="5">shrink="5"</div>
  <div flex shrink="7">shrink="7"</div>
  <div flex shrink="1">shrink="1"</div>

Resize is a rollup of both grow and shrink:

<div layout>
      <div flex resize="5 3">resize="5 3"</div>
      <div flex resize="7 3">resize="7 3"</div>
      <div flex resize="1 7">resize="1 7"</div>

Axis is a roll-up of justify-items, justify-content, align-content. Basically, This means:

<div layout axis="start space-between center">

Device attrs changing orientation (media queries):

<div layout mobile="column" desktop="row">
  <div flex>content</div>
  <div conceal="mobile tablet">other</div>

Alternatively, size attrs changing orientation (media queries):

<div layout sm="column" lg="row">
  <div flex>content</div>
  <div conceal="lg xl">other</div>

Some other utils

Fit is a util that causes a child element to match the parent:

<div layout>
  <div fit>Same size</div>

Relative and absolute positioning:

    <div relative style="width: 200px; height: 200px">
      <div absolute top left>tl</div>
      <div absolute top right>tr</div>
      <div absolute bottom left>bl</div>
      <div absolute bottom right>br</div>

Additional miscellaneous attrs, fairly self explanatory:

<div height-max>
  <div scrollable>
    <p truncate break-word>This is a bunch of text....</p>

See it in action

As stated in the beginning, this is a work in project and likely pretty volatile. That said, there is a demo/flex.html file that can be viewed to see a number of the features in action. Suggested python -m SimpleHTTPServer or some other file server run from the root directory.

Overriding main for wiredeps

The main package in bower.json is set to dist/layout.attrs.min.css. If you prefer a modular approach and are using wiredep, grunt-wiredep, gulp-wiredep, etc, then you can override main in your own bower.json file with something like this:

// perhaps so you can use the resize & axis-shorthand modules instead of the defaults
"overrides": {
  "layout.attrs": {
    "main": [