benjaminbhollon / see-with-eyes-closed

The code for the See With Eyes Closed blog.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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blog personal-website


Moved to Codeberg

The code for the See With Eyes Closed website and blog.


First, make sure you have MongoDB installed:

Next, open a command prompt in the same directory as this README and run npm install. This will install dependencies.

Next, create a copy of config.example.json and name it config.json. This is where all the main site settings go. Here's a list of items you might want to change (You can leave it as is and it'll work except for the reCAPTCHA boxes):

There's no need to set up a MongoDB database as they're automatically created when first used.

Running the Server

Before doing anything, make sure your MongoDB server is running. If you installed it as a service, you shouldn't need to worry about this. See the instructions depending on your installation.

There are two ways to run the server. In production:

npm start

This will start a pm2 server that will serve the site to the specified port until further notice even if you close the command line window. To restart the server (for example, when you need to update the code) run npm run restart and to stop it run npm stop. You can view logs with npm run logs.

Now, most of the time you'll be in development, so this command will suffice:

npm run dev

This will start a nodemon script which will automatically reload the server whenever there are changes to the code. It will stop when you close the command line window.

One last thing: before contributing changes, always run npm run lint. This will alert you to any semantic problems in your code. The one issue you can ignore: no-unused-vars or no-undef when referring to a function that exists, but is used in a different file. In that case it's wrong. Anything else, fix or ask about.

Enjoy! This has been tested and verified to work properly on Windows 10, CentOS 8, and Ubuntu 20.