benjaoming / rhythmbox-fullscreen

Display and control rhythmbox via full-screen
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[Fixed] Does not work. #7

Closed etsnyman closed 8 years ago

etsnyman commented 8 years ago

This plugin simply does not work in any way with Rhythmbox 3.1 on Ubuntu. No button, F12 does not work, no View>Fullscreen, nothing.

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

type rhythmbox from a terminal

enable the plugin and choose view--> fullscreen

what messages do you see being outputted in the terminal?

etsnyman commented 8 years ago

Ok. If I run Rhythmbox from the commandline, by typing "rhythmbox" and pressing Enter, I see the option and it works. If I run it normally (from Gnome Shell) then it doesn't work and there is no option to view fullscreen...

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

very strange

when you run rhythmbox normally from activities - is the full-screen plugin enabled via the plugins window?

Is this a stock ubuntu install or have you got a manually compiled rhythmbox - or something different with your installation.

what version of ubuntu are you referring to - 15.04?

etsnyman commented 8 years ago

"is the full-screen plugin enabled via the plugins window?"

Yes, it is, but there is no option under the View menu.

"Is this a stock ubuntu install or have you got a manually compiled rhythmbox - or something different with your installation."

Stock Ubuntu Gnome 15.04. Rhythmbox was pre-installed.

benjaoming commented 8 years ago

What about other plugins? Do they work?

etsnyman commented 8 years ago

They work no problem.

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

hmm - managed to reproduce this on ubuntu 14.04 with gnome-shell desktop installed.

This problem appears to be very specific to gnome-shell - no other desktop environment is affected - e.g. unity/xfce/lxde all work for me.

No idea how to debug though - it works as you have said if you launch rhythmbox via a terminal.

benjaoming commented 8 years ago

Could there be some kind of environment var missing in Gnome Shell or set wrongly? For instance the path to local plugins, in case this is a local plugin installation?

Try this:

  1. sudo mv /usr/bin/rhythmbox to /usr/bin/rhythmbox_orig
  2. sudo nano /usr/bin/rhythmbox
echo "`env`" > /tmp/gnome_shell_env.dump
/usr/bin/rhythmbox_orig -D RhythmboxFullscreen 2>&1 > /tmp/rb_debug.out

Try comparing the dumped env in /tmp/gnome_shell_env.dump with what you get by running just env in the working terminal. Also check if there are errors in /tmp/rb_debug.out.

fossfreedom commented 8 years ago

should be fixed now.

@benjaoming - bizarre commit as you can see - by just moving that monitor calc code this fixes the menu issue. Go figure!

@etsnyman - please can you test by installing the latest code.

once confirmed I'll bump the minor version number

etsnyman commented 8 years ago

@fossfreedom It seems to work perfectly now. Thanks!