benmarwick / onboarding-reproducible-compendia

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This is a work-in-progress emerging from the DataONE Prov-a-thon meeting (August 2017, New Mexico). We’re still working on the guidelines, and warmly welcome feedback, especially as a issue post.


DataONE Reproducible Research Compendia Onboarding

Thank you for considering submitting your research compendium for the DataONE reproducibility review process. All compendia go through a process of open peer review to ensure a consistent level of quality for our users, inspired by the rOpenSci package onboarding process. This process also allows us to ensure that your compendia meets our guidelines and provides opportunity for discussion where exceptions are requested. The origin explains why parts of the guidelines assume a compendium based the programming language R and its tools, but compendia in other languages and from all communities of research are welcome and documentation will be steadily improved.

Why submit your compendia for DataONE review?

Why review compendia for DataONE?

How to submit your compendium for review

Our code of conduct is mandatory for everyone involved in our review process.

Our review process is always in development, and we encourage feedback and discussion on how to improve the process on our issue tracker.

Useful documents in this repository

Editors and reviewers

DataONE’s onboarding process is run by: