benmerckx / monsoon

Minimal haxe web framework and embedded webserver
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A minimal haxe web framework and embedded webserver using tink_http.

using Monsoon;

class Main {
  public static function main() {
    var app = new Monsoon();

    app.route('/', function (req, res)
      res.send('Hello World')



Choose a target and lib of one of the implementations below.


Monsoon runs on platforms that provide their own http implementation.
Runs on: nodejs, php, neko (mod_neko, mod_tora)

haxelib install monsoon

Add -lib monsoon to your hxml.


A tcp webserver will be embedded into your application.
Runs on: neko, cpp, java

haxelib install monsoon-embed

Add -lib monsoon-embed to your hxml.


You can import all relevant classes with using Monsoon;.


Basic routing

The following http request methods can be used to add routes to your app:
get, post, delete, put, patch, head, options

app.get('/', function (req, res) res.send('Get'));'/submit', function (req, res) res.send('Got post'));

To match all http methods use route

app.route('/', function (req, res) 
    res.send('Method used: '+req.method)


Matching is done using a port of path-to-regex. You can refer to the express docs on routing and test the rules with Express Route Tester.


A segment of the path can be matched by using a :param. To use the parameter later in your callback, it has to be typed in the type parameter of Request<T>.

app.get('/blog/:item', function(req: Request<{item: String}>, res)
    res.send('Blog item: '+req.params.item)


Bundled middleware

Bundled middleware can be found in monsoon.middleware.


Compresses the result of your response using gzip, if accepted by the client. Takes one optional argument: ?level: Int, the compression level of 0-9.



The static middleware can be used to serve static files (js, css, html etc.). It is recommended to use seperate software (nginx, varnish) to serve your static files but this can be used during development or on low traffic websites.

If a file is found it will be served with the correct content-type. If no file is found the route is passed.

// Any file in the public folder will be served
// You can change the index files it looks for (default is index.html, index.htm)
app.use(Static.serve('public', {index: ['index.txt', 'index.html']})); 
// It can be prefixed like any other route
app.use('/assets', Static.serve('public')); 


Supports client requests for ranged responses.


Basic Authentication

Request basic authentication. Pass a function which validates the username and password given by the user. It expects a Promise<Bool> (returning Bool will automatically be cast to a Promise).

app.use(BasicAuth.serve(function (user, password) 
    return user = 'monsoon' && password = 'mypassword'


The Console is a debugging tool which will bundle any traces created during the processing of the request and send them with your response to the browser. They are packaged as a single <script> tag and log to the console on the client side.




class Request<T> {
    // Any parameters that were requested in the callback
    var params: T;
    // Full url (eg. /page?query=1)
    var url: Url;
    // Path only, stripped of query (eg. /page)
    var path: String;
    // The http request method
    var method: Method;
    // The request body, plain or parsed (see tink.http)
    var body: IncomingRequestBody;
    // The hostname if it was set in the request headers
    var hostname: Null<String>;
    // IP of the client that made the request
    var ip: String;
    // Holds all query values (eg. {query => 1})
    var query: Map<String, String>;
    // All cookies sent with this request
    var cookies: Map<String, String>;

    // Returns the specified HTTP request header field
    function get(key: String): Null<String>;


class Response {
    // Set the http status code (defaults to 200)
    function status(code: Int): Response;
    // Clear all set headers, cookies and the status code
    function clear(): Response;
    // Set a cookie, see monsoon.Response.CookieOptions
    function cookie(name: String, value: String, ?options: CookieOptions): Response;
    // Sets 'Content-Type' to 'application/json' and sends output as json
    function json(output: Dynamic, ?space: String): Response;
    // Set a header
    function set(key: String, value: String): Response;
    // Get a previously set header, or null if not set
    function get(key: String): Null<String>;
    // Redirect to a location, sets 'Location' header
    function redirect(code = 302, url: String);
    // Sets 'Content-Type' to 'text/plain' and sends output with error code
    function error(code = 500, message: String);
    // End this response without a body
    function end();
    // End the response with given output
    function send(output: String);
    // Set content-type to text/html;charset=utf-8 and end the response
    function html(output: String);
    // End the response with the file's contents, content-type will be set automatically but can be set explicitly
    function sendFile(path: String, ?contentType: String)

License: MIT