Feel like you are wasting too much time not working on your computer?
Fix that with Rescue Time!
Rescue Time is chrome extension that is used to keep track of what exactly you do on your computer on any given day. Go here if you dont have it downloaded yet:
After you have it downloaded and your settings created just how you like, you can use this CLI to interact with your daily spenditures of time.
If you just wish to use the project as a tool, then run the binary!
Firstly, make a directory in where you are comfortable running this from. Then run
git init
git pull https://github.com/benmorehouse/RTC.git
Check to ensure you are running the latest version of Go. To do so, run
go version
Then, you need to grab the following three packages using the get command:
go get "github.com/boltdb/bolt"
go get "github.com/spf13/cobra"
go get "github.com/gookit/color"
Finally, build the binary and run
./rtc init
You may have to run 'chmod 755 rtc' to give permission to run