benrbray / remark-cite

Adds support for pandoc-style citations to the Markdown syntax for the remark and micromark parsers.
MIT License
20 stars 5 forks source link


Following convention, this repository contains three separate npm packages related to support for pandoc-style citation syntax for the remark Markdown parser.

For more information, see the individual folders for each package.


Pull requests for bugfixes or new features / options are welcome. Be aware that changes to the syntax extension micromark-extension-cite may also have an impact on the other two packages, and you will need to test all three.


Build dependencies, in order:

lerna run build


lerna publish --no-private

Publishing Guide

(this section is for myself, so I don't forget how to publish the packages :) )

It seems that npm version does not work properly from subdirectories, so we use lerna instead. However, lerna publish does not properly erase workspace protocol markers when publishing from pnpm monorepos, so we have to publish the packages in two steps:

  1. First, increment all package versions by running lerna version from the project root.
  2. Next, use lerna run publish-pnpm, which calls the `publish-pnpm" script for all packages.