benschwarz / bonsai

A tiny static web site generator
MIT License
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Static Coffeescript #16

Closed DanielHeath closed 13 years ago

DanielHeath commented 13 years ago

I've been giving Bonsai a try and found there wasn't a clear 'preferred way' to do something, so I thought I'd ask what you thought.

I've been using Coffeescript for awhile now, and it seems like the best way to go, but I don't really want anything dynamic for it other than generating the static .js files. Nor do I want it showing up in the navigation.

Should it go under public/js (like LessCSS files do)?

benschwarz commented 13 years ago

Yeah I think that public/js is the way to go for this. Being that Bonsai's core focus is really small, simple sites—I think that provisioning for a dynamic 'app like' framework is overkill.

So if you're thinking of patching it for yourself, please send me a pull request :-)

benschwarz commented 13 years ago

If you're feeling overly generous—I'd love a patch to switch LessCSS out for SCSS. Its just my preference now that LessCSS has been more or less abandoned (as a ruby project) and the current implementation has a poor parser that likes to crash with certain CSS expressions.

DanielHeath commented 13 years ago

In the end, I went for something a bit more app-like. It'd still be a good thing to have in Bonsai, and I think I'd add it if I was going to use it in anger.